Chemical Agents Escape Training Exercise, Affect Nearby Elementary School in San Bruno

Dozens of students and staff at Portola Elementary School in San Bruno, California, were exposed to chemical agents on Tuesday during a training exercise conducted by the San Francisco Sheriff's Office. The agents, including CS gas and OC gas, drifted outside the designated training area and affected the school, causing burning sensations in the eyes, nose, and throat.

Chemical Agents Escape Training Exercise, Affect Nearby Elementary School in San Bruno

A training exercise conducted by the San Francisco Sheriff's Office on Tuesday took a negative turn when chemical agents inadvertently affected a nearby elementary school, causing respiratory irritation in dozens of students and staff.

Chemical Agents Escape Training Exercise, Affect Nearby Elementary School in San Bruno

The San Francisco Sheriff's Office confirmed that the training session, which involved the testing of CS gas and OC gas, began at 12:45 p.m. in an isolated section of the San Bruno jail. However, the chemical agents extended beyond the designated training areas and reached Portola Elementary School, located approximately 100 feet away.

The San Francisco Sheriff's Office notified the San Bruno Police Department and Fire Department prior to the training, but the chemical agents dispersed further than anticipated. The sheriff's office confirmed that dozens of students and teachers from Portola Elementary School were affected by the chemical agents.

Chemical Agents Escape Training Exercise, Affect Nearby Elementary School in San Bruno

Interim principal John Nazar told KTVU that he noticed students and staff experiencing burning sensations in their eyes, nose, and throat. He walked the perimeter of the school to try to identify the source of the irritation but did not initially realize it was chemical agents.

Officials confirmed that about two dozen students and teachers at Portola Elementary School reported being affected by the chemical agents. The San Francisco Sheriff's Office acknowledged the incident and apologized for the mishap, stating that it must have been particularly frightening for the children.

Chemical Agents Escape Training Exercise, Affect Nearby Elementary School in San Bruno

The department released a statement saying, "We sincerely apologize to Portola Elementary School, its faculty and students, and their families for this unforeseen event which must have been especially scary for children."

The Sheriff's Office noted that chemical agent training is critical for law enforcement to test equipment and provide hands-on experience, but it will pause all future chemical agent training exercises while it reviews current practices to enhance safety and minimize community impact.

This incident highlights the importance of sorgfältige planning and execution of training exercises involving hazardous materials to avoid potential harm to the community.