Chicago Teachers Union's Radical Demands Slammed Amidst Plummeting Proficiencies

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has come under fire for its "radical" demands in contract negotiations, which include a $50 billion increase in funding for various initiatives while students' academic performance continues to suffer.

Chicago Teachers Union's Radical Demands Slammed Amidst Plummeting Proficiencies

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has faced intense criticism for its "radical" demands in contract negotiations worth $50 billion. These demands have raised concerns as students in Chicago struggle with low proficiencies in math and reading.

According to a leaked document, the CTU seeks significant salary increases for its members, with Union President Stacy Davis Gates requesting an audacious 9% yearly increase through fiscal year 2028. This could potentially result in the average teacher's pay rising by half to $144,620 by the 2027-2028 school year.

Chicago Teachers Union's Radical Demands Slammed Amidst Plummeting Proficiencies

However, these demands stand in stark contrast to the underwhelming results students are achieving in Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Only 21% of the city's eighth graders are proficient in reading, as per the latest Nation's Report Card. The situation is even worse in math and for low-income students.

Illinois Policy Institute Director Mailee Smith denounced the CTU's actions, accusing them of prioritizing their political agenda over the well-being of students. She pointed out that the union's demands go beyond typical collective bargaining, including climate justice, social justice, and financial assistance for asylum seekers and migrants.

Chicago Teachers Union's Radical Demands Slammed Amidst Plummeting Proficiencies

The union is also pushing for increased taxpayer funding for migrants, proposing $2,000 per migrant for academic support, transportation, and mental health counseling. Additionally, they want each of the 646 public schools to have a "newcomer liaison" and for unused school facilities to be converted into housing for migrants.

In terms of social justice provisions, the union demands annual LGBTQ+ awareness training for workers and educators, the implementation of gender-neutral bathrooms in every school, and policies that prohibit school staff from informing parents of their child's rejection of their sex.

Chicago Teachers Union's Radical Demands Slammed Amidst Plummeting Proficiencies

Furthermore, the CTU seeks to weaken teacher evaluations and performance links to pay and benefits, a move that has been criticized by Smith. She emphasized the need for "impartial bargaining" and urged Mayor Brandon Johnson, a former CTU legislative coordinator, to step aside from negotiations to ensure fairness.

The CTU's demands have sparked concerns among critics who believe they prioritize the union's political interests over the needs of students. The poor academic performance of CPS students highlights the urgent need to address these issues and ensure that students receive the quality education they deserve.