Chicago's DNC Policing Success Highlights Disparity with 2020 Floyd Riots

A retired Illinois police chief has praised the Chicago Police Department for ensuring a peaceful Democratic National Convention, while highlighting the stark contrast in resources allocated during the George Floyd riots.

In the wake of a successful Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, former Riverside, Illinois Police Chief Tom Weitzel has lauded the Chicago PD for its exceptional policing efforts, which he believes were instrumental in maintaining order amidst significant protests.

Weitzel emphasized the unprecedented police presence at the DNC, which he described as the largest in Chicago's history. He contrasted this with the lack of resources provided during the protests following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police in 2020.

Chicago's DNC Policing Success Highlights Disparity with 2020 Floyd Riots

Chicago's DNC Policing Success Highlights Disparity with 2020 Floyd Riots

"We were not given the resources that we needed from outside our own agency when we would ask for them," Weitzel recalled of his experience as chief during the Floyd protests. "And certainly not anywhere near this level."

The DNC security budget of $75 million, primarily allocated to the Chicago Police Department, reportedly had a significant impact, according to Weitzel. He suggested that extending similar resources to the South Side of Chicago, plagued by high crime rates, could yield positive results.

Chicago's DNC Policing Success Highlights Disparity with 2020 Floyd Riots

Chicago's DNC Policing Success Highlights Disparity with 2020 Floyd Riots

Despite the heavy police presence at the DNC, Weitzel commended the professionalism and restraint of the Chicago PD. He noted that the department did not become a focal point of negative media attention due to excessive force or allegations of abuse.

"Their training has paid off, their patience has paid off, their professionalism has paid off," Weitzel said. "The Chicago Police Department was not the lead story for the night. They did not become the focus of abuse or alleged to have abused or overreacted."

Chicago's DNC Policing Success Highlights Disparity with 2020 Floyd Riots

Chicago's DNC Policing Success Highlights Disparity with 2020 Floyd Riots

Weitzel's observations underscore the disparity in law enforcement resources between major political events and local communities facing ongoing crime issues. While the DNC enjoyed ample funding for security, many underprivileged neighborhoods struggle with chronic understaffing and underfunding of police departments.

The contrast between the DNC and the Floyd riots also highlights the evolving perceptions of law enforcement in the United States. In the wake of Floyd's death and subsequent protests, many called for defunding the police and reducing police presence in communities.

Chicago's DNC Policing Success Highlights Disparity with 2020 Floyd Riots

Chicago's DNC Policing Success Highlights Disparity with 2020 Floyd Riots

However, the successful policing of the DNC suggests that a well-trained and well-resourced police force can effectively maintain order and protect public safety, even in the face of large-scale demonstrations.

Weitzel's praise for the Chicago PD serves as a reminder that police officers are essential public servants who deserve support and appreciation for their efforts to ensure public safety. The contrast with the lack of resources provided during the Floyd riots highlights the need for a more balanced and equitable approach to policing in communities throughout the country.