China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla., has sounded the alarm over China's growing military presence in Cuba, which poses a significant counterintelligence threat to the United States. Images released by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) reveal several advanced spy bases in Cuba, believed to be operated by China. These bases are in close proximity to sensitive U.S. installations, raising concerns about potential surveillance and interference.

The recent revelation of China's growing military presence in Cuba has sparked alarm in the United States, with lawmakers and experts warning of its potential threat to U.S. security. Images released by the bipartisan Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) show several advanced spy bases in Cuba, operated by China, in close proximity to sensitive U.S. installations.

China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla., whose district is less than 100 miles from Cuba, has raised the alarm about the counterintelligence concerns posed by these bases. Gimenez's district houses the Key West Naval Air Station, Homestead Air Force Base, and is within a mile of the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM).

"This is an example of the growing influence of China and Russia in our hemisphere," Gimenez said. "The Biden administration continues to placate our enemies in the hemisphere instead of trying to do what they can to get [nonviolent] regime change."

China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

CSIS researchers believe the bases are being used to support Chinese signals intelligence (SIGINT) efforts, which involve intercepting transmissions to gather information. This poses a significant threat to U.S. military training and simulation exercises, as China could gain valuable insights into U.S. responses to potential invasions of Taiwan.

"Communist China’s latest actions are unprecedented and to-date the Biden administration has made no response," said former Deputy National Security Adviser Victoria Coates. "It will fall to the next president to stand up for the security of the American people in our own hemisphere."

China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

China's growing presence in Cuba is part of a larger strategy to expand its influence in the Americas, including through its new embassy in the Bahamas and a deepwater "mega-port" in Peru. This expansion raises concerns about potential interference in U.S. affairs and poses a threat to U.S. security.

"China will continue to expand their espionage of the United States without fear of consequence because they know Joe Biden will not hold them accountable," said Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., a member of the Homeland Security Committee.

China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

The White House has not directly addressed the concerns raised by Gimenez and other lawmakers, but it has acknowledged China's ongoing activities in Cuba. "We remain confident that the United States is going to be able to meet our security commitments at home and in the region," said State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel.

However, experts and lawmakers remain skeptical of the Biden administration's ability to effectively counter China's growing influence in the Americas. They argue that the administration's weak stance on China has emboldened the Chinese government to expand its military presence and engage in espionage activities.

China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

China's Growing Presence in Cuba Raises Concerns for U.S. Security

"The United States is going to keep working to disrupt" China's presence in Cuba, Patel said. However, critics argue that the administration has not taken sufficient action to deter China's expansion in the region.

The growing presence of China in Cuba poses a significant threat to U.S. security and requires a strong response from the Biden administration. The administration must prioritize the protection of U.S. interests and take concrete steps to counter China's malign influence in the Americas.