Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

China's relentless harassment and interference with Philippine Coast Guard operations raise serious concerns about the credibility of the United States as a reliable ally in the region. Experts warn that unless Washington takes decisive action, America's reputation and influence in the Asia-Pacific will be severely diminished.

The escalation of Chinese aggression in Philippine territorial waters has reached a critical juncture, testing the United States' commitment to its treaty obligations and its role as a regional security guarantor. The recent violent clash between Chinese Coast Guard vessels and Philippine Coast Guard personnel attempting to conduct a medical evacuation is a stark reminder of the challenges facing the Philippines and the importance of American support.

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

China's aggressive actions are part of a deliberate and systematic campaign to assert control over the South China Sea, including areas well within the Philippines' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Armed with knives, axes, spears, lasers, and sound weapons, Chinese vessels have repeatedly rammed and towed Philippine boats, injured Filipino sailors, and seized property. These actions are a clear violation of international law and constitute a serious threat to regional stability.

The Philippines, a long-time treaty ally of the United States, is facing an existential threat to its sovereignty. Unless it receives meaningful support from Washington, the Philippines may be forced to cede control of strategically important maritime territories to China. This would have dire consequences for the balance of power in the region and undermine the credibility of the United States' security commitments.

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

The United States has a range of options to counter China's aggression and support its Philippine ally. These include:

1. **Accompanying Philippine Vessels:** US Navy ships and aircraft should accompany Philippine Coast Guard vessels on missions in Philippine territory, using force if necessary to deter Chinese interference.

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

2. **Resupplying Second Thomas Shoal:** The United States should assist the Philippines in resupplying Second Thomas Shoal, a Philippine-controlled outpost within the EEZ, using US ships and helicopters.

3. **Building Permanent Structures:** Washington should help the Philippines construct permanent structures on Second Thomas Shoal and defend them against potential Chinese attacks.

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

4. **Removing Illegal Chinese Vessels:** The US Navy should join Philippine ships in removing Chinese vessels illegally occupying Scarborough Shoal, another disputed area within the Philippine EEZ.

5. **Applying Asymmetric Pressure:** The United States should suspend the People's Bank of China's license to operate in the US dollar system and ban technology exports to China as a non-escalatory form of pressure.

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

If the United States fails to act decisively, it will send the message that it is unwilling to defend its allies and uphold its security commitments. This will embolden China and embitter the Philippines, potentially leading to an escalation of tensions and a destabilizing regional arms race.

The Biden administration has a window of opportunity to restore America's credibility and demonstrate its commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific. By taking bold action to support the Philippines, the United States can deter Chinese aggression, strengthen its alliances, and maintain its status as a leading global power.

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability

The ongoing Chinese aggression in the Philippines is a critical test for the United States. Washington must act decisively to protect its ally, uphold international law, and prevent the erosion of American influence in the Asia-Pacific. Failure to do so will have far-reaching consequences for the region and beyond.

Chinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's ReliabilityChinese Aggression in the Philippines: A Test for America's Reliability