Chinese Border Apprehensions Surge by 7,000%, Raising National Security Concerns

The number of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the southern border has skyrocketed, setting a new record in 2023. Experts warn that this surge poses a significant national security threat, given the close monitoring and control exerted over Chinese social media applications by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Chinese Border Apprehensions Surge by 7,000%, Raising National Security Concerns

The Biden administration's border crisis has taken a troubling turn with the alarming rise in illegal crossings by Chinese nationals. In 2021, U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended 342 Chinese individuals. In 2022, that number jumped to 1,987, and then to a staggering 24,125. This year, apprehensions have already surpassed 24,296 with six months remaining in the fiscal year, representing a 7,000% increase since 2021.

Chinese Border Apprehensions Surge by 7,000%, Raising National Security Concerns

The overwhelming majority of these Chinese migrants are military-age males, raising concerns about potential espionage activities. The CCP's tight control over social media platforms used by these migrants, such as WeChat and Douyin (the Chinese equivalent of TikTok), suggests that the Chinese government is facilitating this exodus.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has shown little interest in addressing this specific aspect of the border crisis. Media coverage has focused on politically correct terminology rather than addressing the actual threat posed by illegal crossings from China.

Chinese Border Apprehensions Surge by 7,000%, Raising National Security Concerns

Intelligence agencies should prioritize investigating the reasons behind this surge in Chinese immigration. The CCP's history of spying and espionage should be a clear warning that exploiting the border crisis to infiltrate the United States is a real possibility.

One case that underscores these concerns is the recent arrest of a Chinese national who illegally entered the country and attempted to access a Marine Corps base in California. Over 100 similar incidents involving Chinese nationals attempting to access military and other sensitive installations have been reported in recent years.

Dismissing the influx of Chinese migrants as merely seeking better economic opportunities is naïve at best. The absence of significant economic disparities between China and the United States suggests that other factors may be driving this mass exodus.

The American intelligence community has an obligation to get answers and determine if China is using the border crisis to advance its espionage goals. The focus on illegal immigration in general must not overshadow the specific threat posed by Chinese nationals.

In conclusion, the record-setting surge in illegal crossings by Chinese nationals is a serious national security concern that requires immediate attention and action from the Biden administration. Ignoring this issue or glossing over it with politically correct language will only make the United States more vulnerable to the CCP's malicious activities.