Chinese Consul Linked to Accused CCP Spy Continues to Work in New York Despite Contradictory Statements

A Chinese diplomat who has repeatedly praised the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) remains consul general of China's New York Consulate, despite conflicting narratives from the Biden State Department and New York Governor Kathy Hochul. The diplomat's continued presence in his role raises concerns about foreign influence in American politics.

Linda Sun, a former aide to Governor Hochul, was recently charged with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The indictment unsealed against Sun shed light on her close working relationship with Huang Ping, the Chinese consul general in New York.

The indictment reveals that Sun used her government positions to block representatives of the Taiwanese government from meeting with high-ranking New York officials, including Hochul and former Governor Andrew Cuomo. Sun claimed to have "almost had a heart attack" when Taiwan was referred to as a country and bragged about correcting it with Chinese officials.

Chinese Consul Linked to Accused CCP Spy Continues to Work in New York Despite Contradictory Statements

Chinese Consul Linked to Accused CCP Spy Continues to Work in New York Despite Contradictory Statements

Ping, who has been the consul general since 2018, has repeatedly called the CCP a "great party." He has met with several Democratic politicians in New York and Pennsylvania and attended Chinese parades in New York. He has also been spotted with New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Senator Chuck Schumer.

In a recently resurfaced video from 2021, Ping endorsed "equity" policies. A speechwriter for then-Lieutenant Governor Hochul had wanted to mention the plight of Uyghurs in China, but Sun overruled her, claiming that such a mention could sour U.S.-China relations. Ping echoed this sentiment, dismissing the speechwriter as clueless about China.

Chinese Consul Linked to Accused CCP Spy Continues to Work in New York Despite Contradictory Statements

Chinese Consul Linked to Accused CCP Spy Continues to Work in New York Despite Contradictory Statements

Despite Hochul's statements that Ping was no longer in his role, the State Department contradicted her, confirming that Ping completed a regular rotation in August but remains in his position. Ping's social media activity shows that he has not left New York and is still pictured on the New York consulate's website.

Experts have criticized the State Department for not punishing Ping or expelling him from the country. Michael Sobolik, a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council, believes that allowing Ping to remain in his post makes America more vulnerable to Beijing's malign influence.

Chinese Consul Linked to Accused CCP Spy Continues to Work in New York Despite Contradictory Statements

Chinese Consul Linked to Accused CCP Spy Continues to Work in New York Despite Contradictory Statements

Sun's attorney, Jarrod Schaeffer, has expressed disappointment in the charges against his client, calling them inflammatory and the product of an aggressive prosecution. Sun has denied the allegations and is eager to defend herself in court.

The ongoing investigation into Sun's alleged activities as a Chinese spy and Ping's continued presence as consul general underscore the complex and often murky nature of foreign influence in American politics. The conflicting narratives from the State Department and Governor Hochul further highlight the need for transparency and accountability in dealings with foreign diplomats.

Chinese Consul Linked to Accused CCP Spy Continues to Work in New York Despite Contradictory Statements

Chinese Consul Linked to Accused CCP Spy Continues to Work in New York Despite Contradictory Statements