Christian Preacher Wins Damages After UK Police Arrest for Preaching at Speakers' Corner

London-based Christian preacher Hatun Tash has received £10,000 in damages from the Metropolitan Police for her arrest in 2022 while preaching at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park. Tash alleges that the arrest violated her human rights, leading to a settlement.

London-based Christian evangelist Hatun Tash has reportedly won £10,000 in damages from the Metropolitan Police following her 2022 arrest while preaching at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park. According to a press release from legal advocacy group Christian Concern, Tash's ordeal stemmed from an incident on June 26, 2022, when a man allegedly stole her Quran and another prevented her from chasing the thief. When police arrived, they forcibly removed Tash from the area as a growing crowd of men pursued her, shouting "Allahu Akbar" and attempting to assault her.

Tash's belongings were reportedly left at the scene, and she was "wrongfully detained" for 15 hours, strip searched, questioned in the middle of the night, and had her glasses taken away. Her lawyer argued that the police violated her human rights under Articles 9 & 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) regarding freedom of expression, thought, conscience, and religion.

Christian Preacher Wins Damages After UK Police Arrest for Preaching at Speakers' Corner

Christian Preacher Wins Damages After UK Police Arrest for Preaching at Speakers' Corner

The settlement was reached after Tash's lawyers sought damages for assault, wrongful arrest, unlawful imprisonment, harassment, and legal fees, as well as an apology and agreement that the police would not "continue to harass her."

Tash told Fox News Digital that she has faced similar incidents with law enforcement at Speakers' Corner in the past, including being stabbed, being the target of a terrorist plot, and experiencing wrongful arrests. She alleges that the police have been lenient toward those who have threatened her, emboldening more extremists to come after her.

Christian Preacher Wins Damages After UK Police Arrest for Preaching at Speakers' Corner

Christian Preacher Wins Damages After UK Police Arrest for Preaching at Speakers' Corner

"It's not only at Speakers' Corner," Tash said. "We get to see the same thing in schools." She cited the example of a teacher who is reportedly still in hiding after showing a Mohammed cartoon to his class in 2021.

Tash expressed her belief that there is an emerging "two-tier" justice system in the UK, where Muslims' feelings are prioritized over her rights and safety. She recalled instances where she sought help from the police after receiving death threats but was dismissed, making her feel that "the police are more concerned about Muslims' feelings than my rights or my life."

Christian Preacher Wins Damages After UK Police Arrest for Preaching at Speakers' Corner

Christian Preacher Wins Damages After UK Police Arrest for Preaching at Speakers' Corner

Despite these circumstances, Tash remains steadfast in her commitment to preaching. "As long as the Lord gives me breath, I'm planning to preach the gospel," she said. She engages with imams at mosques and has witnessed approximately 20 imams who have converted to Christianity, as well as approximately 1,000 Muslims in England.

"We are open to debates and discussions," Tash said. "It gives people to make their own choices, whether they want to be Muslim or they don't want to be Muslim, whether they want to become a Christian or not."

Christian Preacher Wins Damages After UK Police Arrest for Preaching at Speakers' Corner

Christian Preacher Wins Damages After UK Police Arrest for Preaching at Speakers' Corner

The Metropolitan Police did not comment on Tash's claims about two-tier policing when asked by Fox News Digital about the settlement.