Churches Ramp Up Security Amid Rise in Attempted Shootings

Following two near misses at houses of worship, security experts urge churches to enhance safety measures, including armed guards, active shooter response training, and coordination with law enforcement.

Churches Ramp Up Security Amid Rise in Attempted Shootings

Security concerns have escalated among U.S. churches after a series of recent incidents involving attempted shootings, prompting experts to urge increased safety measures.

In May 2024, a man interrupted a church service in North Braddock, Pennsylvania, and pointed a gun at the pastor. A hero from the congregation, Clarence McCallister, tackled and disarmed the gunman. Similarly, in Louisiana, a gun-toting teen approached a church during a First Communion Mass, but parishioners detained him before he could enter.

Churches Ramp Up Security Amid Rise in Attempted Shootings

These incidents have heightened awareness of potential threats against places of worship. The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommend churches implement year-round preparedness plans, including coordination with local law enforcement and active shooter response training. FEMA also offers a security self-assessment checklist and grants for non-profit security measures.

Local governments provide safety training programs tailored to houses of worship. However, churches increasingly turn to security guards, both armed and unarmed, to bolster their protection.

Churches Ramp Up Security Amid Rise in Attempted Shootings

"Interest in improving safety measures is up across the board," said David Katz, CEO of Global Security Group. "Even though his firm provides armed security, he also offers training for worshippers to enhance their self-protection capabilities.

Some churches explore forming their own security teams comprised of parishioners, but regulations vary across jurisdictions. Pat Brosnan, founder of Brosnan Risk Consultants, emphasized the visual deterrent effect of guards at the front door.

Churches Ramp Up Security Amid Rise in Attempted Shootings

"Most of these guys [potential attackers] are cowards," Brosnan said. "They don't want to die, so deterrence works more often than not."

In circumstances where hiring guards is financially infeasible, churches may opt for guards during special events or services only.

Churches Ramp Up Security Amid Rise in Attempted Shootings

While praising the heroic actions of good Samaritans like McCallister and the Louisiana parents who intervened in recent incidents, experts caution against untrained civilians taking on such dangerous roles.

"It's very dangerous, but sometimes there's no option left," Brosnan added. "We salute those guys, but we also urge caution."

Churches Ramp Up Security Amid Rise in Attempted Shootings

Churches are advised to establish clear emergency plans, practice active shooter drills, and coordinate with local law enforcement to mitigate potential threats and ensure the safety of their congregations.

Churches Ramp Up Security Amid Rise in Attempted Shootings