Closure for Parkland Victims as School Building Faces Demolition

The brother of a Parkland school shooting victim expresses relief over the upcoming demolition of the building where the tragedy occurred, seeing it as a step towards healing and closure.

Amidst the ongoing trauma and anguish caused by the horrific Parkland school shooting, a glimmer of closure has emerged with the announcement that the iconic building where the massacre took place will be torn down. For the brother of one victim, this demolition signifies a crucial step towards healing and finding solace.

Rory Borges, whose brother Anthony was severely wounded in the 2018 attack, expressed his heartfelt support for the demolition, stating, "It provides us closure. It'll be a long process, but it's a step in the right direction."

Closure for Parkland Victims as School Building Faces Demolition

Closure for Parkland Victims as School Building Faces Demolition

The shooting, which resulted in the deaths of 17 students and staff, has left an indelible scar on the Parkland community and beyond. The surviving victims, like Anthony Borges, who sustained multiple gunshot wounds, have endured immense physical and emotional trauma in its aftermath.

"Every time he drove by there, it brought back memories," said Borges' attorney, Alex Arreaza. "The demolition will allow him to focus on the future rather than dwelling on the past."

Closure for Parkland Victims as School Building Faces Demolition

Closure for Parkland Victims as School Building Faces Demolition

Beyond the symbolic significance of erasing the physical reminder of the tragedy, experts believe that the demolition could also serve a practical purpose in aiding the healing process. Berkeley-based attorney Scott Herndon, who specializes in representing victims of mass shootings, explained, "It can be a powerful tool for victims to move forward. By removing the physical structure that is associated with their trauma, they can begin to create new memories and connections with the site."

Anthony Borges, who is now 21 years old, played a heroic role during the shooting by barricading a classroom door with his body, preventing the gunman from entering. His bravery saved the lives of countless fellow students. However, the mental scars from that fateful day continue to linger.

Closure for Parkland Victims as School Building Faces Demolition

Closure for Parkland Victims as School Building Faces Demolition

"He's still suffering from PTSD," said Arreaza. "The demolition won't take away his pain completely, but it will be one less thing that triggers his memories."

The decision to demolish the school building was met with mixed reactions. Some residents expressed concerns that it would erase a piece of history, while others argued that it was necessary for the community to heal and move forward.

Closure for Parkland Victims as School Building Faces Demolition

Closure for Parkland Victims as School Building Faces Demolition

Ultimately, the county commission voted to approve the demolition, recognizing its potential to promote both closure and renewal for the Parkland community. The process of demolishing the school building is expected to begin shortly, with the entire structure set to be removed by the end of the year.

In addition to the demolition, Anthony Borges has also reached a settlement agreement with the Parkland school shooter, Nikolas Cruz. As part of the settlement, Cruz has agreed to donate his brain to science for research purposes. The unusual stipulation was proposed by Borges' attorney, who believes that studying Cruz's brain could help prevent future mass shootings.

"I figured if scientists studied his brain they might be able to figure out what created this monster," said Arreaza. "Maybe there was some kind of imbalance that caused this that we can prevent in the future."

The settlement also includes a provision that assigns Borges the rights to Cruz's name for use in media projects. This is intended to prevent Cruz from profiting financially from his heinous crime.

While the demolition of the school building and the settlement agreement with Nikolas Cruz mark important steps towards healing and closure, the journey for the victims and families of the Parkland shooting will undoubtedly be long and arduous. However, the community's resilience and unwavering support for one another provide a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.