CNN Analyst: Democrat Voters Fume Over Biden's Forced Withdrawal

Former South Carolina lawmaker and CNN analyst Bakari Sellers expressed outrage from Democrat voters over President Biden's decision to end his re-election campaign, blaming party leadership for pressuring him into suspending his run.

Former South Carolina state lawmaker and CNN analyst Bakari Sellers has ignited a firestorm within the Democratic party by publicly denouncing the forced withdrawal of President Biden from the race. In an interview on "CNN Newsroom" Sunday, Sellers revealed that his phone had been "blowing up" with concerned Democrats fearful that Kamala Harris will be "pushed" off the ticket after Biden's announcement that he is ending his re-election bid.

"My phone is blowing up with people who are pissed off and the reason they're pissed off, is because they feel like people from on high pushed Joe Biden out the door," he said.

CNN Analyst: Democrat Voters Fume Over Biden's Forced Withdrawal

CNN Analyst: Democrat Voters Fume Over Biden's Forced Withdrawal

Sellers' comments echoed the growing discontent among Democrat voters who believe that the party leadership, particularly House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, pressured Biden into stepping down. According to an ABC report, Schumer had a "blunt one-on-one conversation" with Biden last week, urging him to "bow out of the race" due to concerns about his ability to defeat Donald Trump in November's general election. Pelosi reportedly also urged Biden to withdraw, citing polls showing him trailing Trump.

"A text that I just got from a friend was like, ‘if they pushed Joe Biden out the door. what are they going to do with Kamala Harris?' They will probably try to push her too. There's a great deal of fear out there and the people who've done the damage, the Nancy Pelosis, the Chuck Schumers those ’elders' in leadership. It would behoove us all if they came out and wrap their arms around Kamala Harris sooner rather than later," Sellers asserted.

CNN Analyst: Democrat Voters Fume Over Biden's Forced Withdrawal

CNN Analyst: Democrat Voters Fume Over Biden's Forced Withdrawal

The concerns raised by Sellers and other Democrat voters stem from fears that the party leadership is undermining the legitimacy of the Democratic nomination process and potentially setting the stage for a weakened party platform. The withdrawal of Biden, a popular figure within the party, could lead to fractures within the ranks and make it more difficult to rally the base behind a new candidate.

Sellers emphasized that Biden's endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris is likely to quell some concerns, but it remains to be seen whether she can unite the party and galvanize voters as effectively as Biden. The Trump campaign has already seized upon the opportunity to capitalize on the Democratic turmoil, launching a fundraising campaign mere minutes after Biden's announcement.

CNN Analyst: Democrat Voters Fume Over Biden's Forced Withdrawal

CNN Analyst: Democrat Voters Fume Over Biden's Forced Withdrawal

The forced withdrawal of Biden from the race has cast a shadow over the Democratic party, raising questions about its leadership and the future direction of the party. The fallout from this decision is likely to be felt during the upcoming election cycle and beyond.