CNN Commentator Van Jones Contrasted Democrats' 'Deeper Patriotism' With Republicans' 'Cheaper Patriotism'

CNN commentator Van Jones praised the energy at the DNC and suggested that Democrats' sense of devotion to their country varies from that of Republicans.

CNN commentator Van Jones offered a contrasting view of patriotism held by Democrats and Republicans during the Democratic National Convention (DNC). Jones suggested that Democrats exhibit a "deeper" and "more muscular" patriotism compared to Republicans, whom he characterized as having a "cheaper" patriotism.

Reacting to day three of the DNC in Chicago, Jones elaborated on his distinction: "I feel like there's a distinction between what I would call a cheaper patriotism and a deeper patriotism. This is a deeper patriotism here, it's not just the rah-rah stuff."

CNN Commentator Van Jones Contrasted Democrats' 'Deeper Patriotism' With Republicans' 'Cheaper Patriotism'

CNN Commentator Van Jones Contrasted Democrats' 'Deeper Patriotism' With Republicans' 'Cheaper Patriotism'

Jones emphasized the Democrats' focus on the value of freedom, not just as an abstract concept, but as a right that requires societal support: "They are asserting that the value of freedom is not just the freedom to not pay your taxes or the freedom to say get off my lawn, it's the freedom to live a full life, and to be able to live a full life, we need each other, we need smart government."

Jones also highlighted the "muscular patriotism" associated with Kamala Harris, the Democratic vice presidential nominee: "There's a muscularity to what she's saying. She wants to fight, she's not afraid. She wants to fight for this. [She says]; I believe in this country, I believe in this particular vision of freedom and I am going to fight for it.' And I think that's a very interesting new combination that I haven't seen before."

CNN Commentator Van Jones Contrasted Democrats' 'Deeper Patriotism' With Republicans' 'Cheaper Patriotism'

CNN Commentator Van Jones Contrasted Democrats' 'Deeper Patriotism' With Republicans' 'Cheaper Patriotism'

Jones's assessment of Democrats' "deeper" patriotism contrasts with his earlier comments at the Republican National Convention, where he described feeling an electrifying "spirit" and enthusiasm reminiscent of former President Barack Obama's first nomination in 2008.

At the DNC, Jones credited Democrats for reinvigorating the party by showcasing a younger generation of leaders and supporters: "They have a very different feel because the new generation is taking the scene."

CNN Commentator Van Jones Contrasted Democrats' 'Deeper Patriotism' With Republicans' 'Cheaper Patriotism'

CNN Commentator Van Jones Contrasted Democrats' 'Deeper Patriotism' With Republicans' 'Cheaper Patriotism'

Jones also praised the speeches of former President Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama, calling them a "masterful act of leadership" and an "oasis" in a "spiritual desert."

"They took it on well. I didn't realize I had been in a spiritual desert until they created that oasis on that stage. I didn't know how much I missed them," Jones said.

Jones added that Biden and the Obamas effectively transferred the party machinery to Harris while renewing the "magic of the movement."

"Biden transferred the machinery of the party to Kamala Harris," Jones said. "The Obamas renewed the magic of the movement. That's what they were transferring. They did it beautifully. They did it powerfully. Obama used nostalgia in a beautiful way."