CNN Fact-Checks Tim Walz's False Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

A CNN correspondent has thoroughly debunked Gov. Tim Walz's assertion that he carried weapons in combat during his military service.

CNN correspondent Tom Foreman has conducted an in-depth fact-check of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz's claims about his military record, particularly his assertion that he "carried weapons in war." Foreman's investigation revealed that there is no evidence to support this claim.

Following the announcement of Walz as Vice President Kamala Harris's running mate in the 2024 presidential election, his military and political background have faced intense scrutiny. Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, who was the vice presidential candidate for former President Donald Trump, publicly challenged Walz's statements, accusing him of misleading the country about his veteran status.

CNN Fact-Checks Tim Walz's False Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

CNN Fact-Checks Tim Walz's False Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

Vance specifically referenced Walz's comment at a campaign event: "[We] can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at." Vance questioned when Walz had ever served in an actual combat zone, insinuating stolen valor.

Foreman examined the nuances of language used in describing military service, highlighting the distinction between being in a combat zone and directly engaging in combat. He clarified that while Walz was deployed to Italy during Operation Enduring Freedom, there is no evidence that he was ever in a situation where he was under enemy fire.

CNN Fact-Checks Tim Walz's False Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

CNN Fact-Checks Tim Walz's False Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

CNN reported that the Harris campaign responded by stating that Walz "carried, fired, and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times" during his 24 years of service. The campaign also emphasized that Walz respects all those who have served their country and would never belittle their contributions.

Foreman emphasized that it is important to consider the subtleties of language and the different interpretations of phrases such as "carried in war." He drew upon his own father's military service in the Korean War as an example, noting that while his father had pictures of himself holding a weapon, he was never engaged in actual combat.

CNN Fact-Checks Tim Walz's False Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

CNN Fact-Checks Tim Walz's False Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

The Minnesota National Guard confirmed that Walz was deployed to Italy on August 3, 2003, to support Operation Enduring Freedom. His battalion conducted security missions in various locations in Europe and Turkey, but he did not participate in deployments to Iraq or Afghanistan.

Foreman concluded that Walz's claim to have carried weapons in combat is "absolutely false," as there is no evidence to support the assertion that he was ever in a position where he was being fired upon or firing at others.

CNN Fact-Checks Tim Walz's False Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

CNN Fact-Checks Tim Walz's False Claim of Carrying Weapons in Combat

Fox News reached out to the Harris-Walz campaign for further comment, but no response has yet been received.

This fact-checking report highlights the importance of accuracy in discussing military service and the need for clear and precise language when describing operational experiences.