CNN's Dana Bash Sparks Outrage after Suggesting DNC Appeals to 'Low-T' Men

CNN host Dana Bash's comments on the Democratic National Convention's supposed appeal to "low-testosterone" men drew sharp criticism from conservatives, who accused her of perpetuating harmful stereotypes about masculinity.

CNN host Dana Bash ignited a firestorm of outrage after suggesting that the Democratic National Convention was attempting to win over men who might not be as "testosterone-laden" as their Republican counterparts.

Bash's comments, made on Wednesday, Aug. 21, immediately sparked a backlash on social media, with many conservatives accusing her of perpetuating harmful stereotypes about masculinity.

CNN's Dana Bash Sparks Outrage after Suggesting DNC Appeals to 'Low-T' Men

CNN's Dana Bash Sparks Outrage after Suggesting DNC Appeals to 'Low-T' Men

"They are doing so in trying to put forward male figures, Tim Walz being one of them, Doug Emhoff last night, who can speak to men out there who might not be the sort of testosterone-laden, you know, gun-toting kind of guy who wants to listen to Hulk Hogan and the kind of players that came out at the RNC," Bash said.

Bash added that Democrats want to win over men who "understand that it’s okay in 2024 to be a man comfortable in his own skin who supports a woman."

CNN's Dana Bash Sparks Outrage after Suggesting DNC Appeals to 'Low-T' Men

CNN's Dana Bash Sparks Outrage after Suggesting DNC Appeals to 'Low-T' Men

The comments drew immediate condemnation from conservatives, who accused Bash of perpetuating the idea that masculinity is inherently toxic and that men who do not conform to traditional gender roles are somehow inferior.

"The left is trying to redefine masculinity to fit their own agenda," said Fox News host Tucker Carlson. "They want men to be weak, passive, and subservient. And they're using the media to spread this message."

CNN's Dana Bash Sparks Outrage after Suggesting DNC Appeals to 'Low-T' Men

CNN's Dana Bash Sparks Outrage after Suggesting DNC Appeals to 'Low-T' Men

Others, such as Fox Business reporter Charlie Gasparino, suggested that Bash's comments were out of touch with reality.

"BTW, you can be a high testosterone dude, not own a gun, not be a fan of the Hulk, and be comfortable in your own skin," Gasparino tweeted. "So odd watching coastal elites try and intellectualize men but given the male gene pool they deal with every day not surprising they come up with garbage like this."

CNN's Dana Bash Sparks Outrage after Suggesting DNC Appeals to 'Low-T' Men

CNN's Dana Bash Sparks Outrage after Suggesting DNC Appeals to 'Low-T' Men

The Trump campaign also weighed in, claiming that the DNC was the polar opposite of the Republican National Convention.

"The DNC is definitely low energy and low impact, with Democrats screaming and yelling with no message other than disgusting personal attacks and outright lies," Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung told Fox News Digital.

Bash's comments were met with mixed reactions on social media, with some users expressing support for her message while others condemned it.

"I'm glad that the DNC is finally recognizing that there are different ways to be a man," said one user. "We need more male role models who are willing to challenge traditional stereotypes."

"This is just more proof that the left is trying to destroy masculinity," said another user. "They want to turn men into weak, emasculated shells of their former selves."

The debate over masculinity has become increasingly heated in recent years, with many conservatives arguing that traditional gender roles are under attack. The comments from Bash have only served to further inflame this debate, and it is likely to continue for some time to come.