CNN's Jake Tapper's Russiagate U-Turn: From Hoax Booster to Durham Report Advocate

CNN's Jake Tapper, once a vocal proponent of the debunked Russiagate conspiracy theory, has undergone a significant shift in his stance after the release of the Durham Report. He now characterizes the report as "devastating" for the FBI, marking a departure from his previous legitimization of its claims.

CNN's Jake Tapper's Russiagate U-Turn: From Hoax Booster to Durham Report Advocate

CNN's Jake Tapper has emerged as a prominent critic of Russiagate, the discredited theory that alleged collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. This shift is particularly striking considering his previous role as a leading advocate for the conspiracy theory during the early years of Trump's presidency.

In 2017, Tapper co-authored a blockbuster report on the existence of the infamous Steele dossier, a key document in the Russiagate narrative. For months, he legitimized the dossier's claims, even after the Mueller report failed to find evidence of collusion.

CNN's Jake Tapper's Russiagate U-Turn: From Hoax Booster to Durham Report Advocate

Throughout Trump's presidency, Tapper consistently displayed animosity towards the president and Republicans. He accused Trump of sounding like "the spokesman for the Kremlin," criticized his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and declared that "for tens of millions of our fellow Americans: their long national nightmare is over" after Trump's electoral defeat.

Tapper's hostility extended to Trump's supporters, whom he banned from appearing on his programs for challenging the 2020 election results. He also questioned the patriotism of Rep. Brian Mast, an army veteran who lost both legs in Afghanistan, after Mast opposed Trump's impeachment.

CNN's Jake Tapper's Russiagate U-Turn: From Hoax Booster to Durham Report Advocate

However, following the release of the Durham Report, which investigated the origins of the Russiagate probe, Tapper's tone has shifted dramatically. He now characterizes the report as "devastating" for the FBI, suggesting that he has reassessed his previous belief in the collusion narrative.

Tapper's转变 is part of a broader trend among once-supportive media outlets that have distanced themselves from Russiagate. The Washington Post, which initially embraced the theory, has since published a series of articles debunking its claims. The New York Times has also acknowledged the shortcomings of the Russiagate investigation.

CNN's Jake Tapper's Russiagate U-Turn: From Hoax Booster to Durham Report Advocate

This shift reflects the overwhelming lack of evidence to support the Russiagate theory. The Mueller report, the Durham Report, and countless other investigations have failed to produce any credible evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Tapper's转变 is a welcome step towards restoring the credibility of journalism. However, his previous role in legitimizing Russiagate remains a significant blemish on his reputation. It is crucial for journalists to maintain objectivity and avoid becoming partisan actors in political battles.

CNN's Jake Tapper's Russiagate U-Turn: From Hoax Booster to Durham Report Advocate