CNN's John King Predicts Trump in 'Command,' Could Secure 330 Electoral Votes

CNN's chief national correspondent John King believes President Biden's declining approval ratings may lead to a Trump victory in 2024, potentially securing 330 electoral votes.

CNN's chief national correspondent John King has raised concerns about President Biden's diminishing popularity, citing recent polls showing his approval ratings hovering below 40% in critical battleground states. King suggests that Trump could exploit these weaknesses and emerge victorious in the 2024 presidential election, potentially securing as many as 330 electoral votes.

According to King, the poor economic situation, combined with Biden's age and performance, is contributing to this decline. He highlights a Virginia Commonwealth University-Wilder School poll that indicates Biden's support has dropped significantly in the state.

CNN's John King Predicts Trump in 'Command,' Could Secure 330 Electoral Votes

CNN's John King Predicts Trump in 'Command,' Could Secure 330 Electoral Votes

"Democrats are now worried," King said. "They think the president will have to focus more on places like Virginia because it has become competitive."

The poll also reveals that Trump is leading Biden in Virginia by three percentage points, setting the stage for a potential Republican victory in a state that Biden won by a significant margin in 2020.

CNN's John King Predicts Trump in 'Command,' Could Secure 330 Electoral Votes

CNN's John King Predicts Trump in 'Command,' Could Secure 330 Electoral Votes

King further notes the growing competitiveness of Trump in other key swing states, including Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Arizona, and Wisconsin. "There are Democrats making the case that Donald Trump is on a viable path as of today to get to 330 electoral votes or even higher," he added.

King emphasizes that Biden's current approval ratings paint a bleak picture for his reelection chances. The polls indicate a decline in his overall standing, a drop in people's views about his age, and growing concern about the state of the economy.

CNN's John King Predicts Trump in 'Command,' Could Secure 330 Electoral Votes

CNN's John King Predicts Trump in 'Command,' Could Secure 330 Electoral Votes

"Even if you go back to where we started, Donald Trump is in command, and the numbers are getting worse for the president," King asserted. "Trump has an opportunity with this convention to build it even more."

A new poll conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, released shortly after the article's publication, adds further weight to these concerns. The survey found that 65% of Democrats believe Biden should withdraw following his poor debate performance.

The AP-NORC survey also revealed that 70% of adults, including a substantial number of Democrats, believe Biden should step aside and allow his party to nominate a different candidate. The results suggest a growing dissatisfaction within Biden's own party, further fueling speculation about his potential departure.

King's analysis underscores the challenges facing Biden as he prepares for the 2024 presidential election. With Trump once again emerging as a formidable challenger, Biden's popularity needs to improve significantly to avoid a potential defeat. The polls and predictions indicate that the race will likely be fiercely competitive, with the outcome very much in the balance.