Colbert's Poetic Parody: Mocking Biden's Asylum Seeker Cap

Comedian Stephen Colbert has taken a satirical swipe at President Biden's new policy restricting asylum seekers, humorously rewording the iconic Statue of Liberty poem to highlight the limitations imposed.

Colbert's Poetic Parody: Mocking Biden's Asylum Seeker Cap

In the realm of late-night comedy, Stephen Colbert has found a novel way to criticize President Biden's immigration policy. The liberal talk show host drew inspiration from the renowned Statue of Liberty poem, "The New Colossus," by Emma Lazarus, to express his disdain for the new asylum seeker cap.

Biden's executive order aims to curb illegal immigration at the southern border by suspending asylum processing if the number of applicants exceeds 2,500 per day. This move has drawn criticism from progressives, including Colbert.

Colbert's Poetic Parody: Mocking Biden's Asylum Seeker Cap

With his signature wit, Colbert mocked the policy during his "Late Show" monologue. "Yesterday, Biden signed a controversial executive order that allows the president to suspend granting immigrants asylum if the number of asylum seekers averages more than 2,500 a day," Colbert said.

"In response, they changed the poem on the Statue of Liberty to read: 'Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses up to 2,500 people a day, while supplies last, only valid at participating Dairy Queens.'"

Colbert's Poetic Parody: Mocking Biden's Asylum Seeker Cap

Beyond his humorous jab at Biden, Colbert also took aim at Senator John Kennedy's criticism of the policy, comparing Biden's political standing to a fungal infection. Colbert retorted, "Sir, show some respect. He's polling right up there with 'Former President Fungal Infections.'"

Colbert's critique underscores the political vulnerability surrounding the chaos at America's southern border for President Biden. His pointed use of the iconic Statue of Liberty poem serves as a poignant reminder of the nation's historical commitment to welcoming immigrants.

Colbert's Poetic Parody: Mocking Biden's Asylum Seeker Cap

The original "The New Colossus" poem has often been invoked by immigration advocates. However, in recent years, the text has been subject to debate, as some have questioned whether it accurately reflects the original intent behind the Statue of Liberty.

Nonetheless, Colbert's parody effectively highlights the complexities of America's immigration policies and the ongoing debates they engender. His satirical approach has drawn both praise and criticism, but it has undoubtedly sparked a dialogue about the challenges facing asylum seekers in the current political landscape.

The Statue of Liberty has long been a symbol of America's welcoming embrace of immigrants, but Colbert's parody suggests that this image may be fading amidst the contentious political climate surrounding border security. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen whether Biden's policy changes and Colbert's satirical critiques will ultimately sway public opinion on the issue of asylum seeker caps.