College Students Fear Biden Losing Election Over Campus Protests: 'Michigan is Up for Grabs'

Young voters in Michigan express concern that backlash over Biden's stance on Israel could split the vote and pave the way for Trump's victory in the November election.

College Students Fear Biden Losing Election Over Campus Protests: 'Michigan is Up for Grabs'

Young voters in Michigan, a key electoral state, have expressed apprehension that the ongoing campus protests and controversy surrounding President Biden's Israel stance could potentially harm his chances in the upcoming election.

These concerns stem from the belief that the backlash against Biden's perceived soft approach towards Israel, particularly on issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, may alienate a significant portion of voters. Michigan, a historically Democratic stronghold, has a sizable Jewish population, and the perception that Biden is not sufficiently supportive of Israel could sway their votes towards Trump.

College Students Fear Biden Losing Election Over Campus Protests: 'Michigan is Up for Grabs'

The protests, which have taken place at dozens of universities nationwide, have drawn scrutiny from Senate Republicans, who have demanded an investigation into the tax-exempt status of organizations suspected of fueling the demonstrations. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) specifically named Americans for Justice in Palestine Educational Foundation (AJP), the Tides Foundation, and the Westchester Peace Action Committee Foundation (WESPAC) in her letter to IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel.

AMP, which is fiscally sponsored by AJP, has denied any direct involvement in student group activities, but it has acknowledged providing small grants for expenses related to events that align with its educational mission. AMP emphasized its commitment to supporting the First Amendment rights of Americans, including freedom of assembly and speech.

College Students Fear Biden Losing Election Over Campus Protests: 'Michigan is Up for Grabs'

However, the lawsuit filed against AJP and National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) by victims of the October 2021 Hamas terrorist attack in Israel alleges that AJP serves as a "propaganda division" for Hamas in the United States and has established NSJP to control student chapters across the country. The plaintiffs claim that AJP and NSJP disseminated a manifesto and plan of attack before the Hamas strike.

Ernst and 15 other Republican senators, including John Thune (R-SD), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Mitt Romney (R-UT), have called for an investigation into the entities' tax-exempt status, citing the allegations of terrorism support and illegal activities during campus protests.

College Students Fear Biden Losing Election Over Campus Protests: 'Michigan is Up for Grabs'

The protests have involved unlawful actions such as the establishment of encampments and the occupation of buildings. Antisemitic language and intimidation have also been reported. The letter from the Republican senators highlighted the number of arrests and detentions that have occurred during these protests.

The senators emphasized that their concerns were not isolated, referring to the investigation initiated by Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares into AJP's potential misuse of funds and support for terrorist organizations.

College Students Fear Biden Losing Election Over Campus Protests: 'Michigan is Up for Grabs'

The letter from Ernst and her colleagues has raised questions about the role of outside organizations in funding and organizing the campus protests. It remains to be seen how the IRS will respond to these concerns and whether any investigations will be launched. The potential implications of these protests on the upcoming election could be significant, particularly in swing states like Michigan.