Columbia University Deans Face Permanent Removal Over Antisemitic Texts

Three deans at Columbia University have been permanently removed from their positions after they were caught sending text messages that pushed "ancient antisemitic tropes." The messages were allegedly sent during the "Jewish Life on Campus: Past, Present and Future" reunion event on campus.

Columbia University has "permanently removed" three staff members after they were caught sending text messages that pushed "ancient antisemitic tropes."The messages were allegedly sent during the "Jewish Life on Campus: Past, Present and Future" reunion event on campus, according to FOX 5.

Columbia President Minouche Shafik condemned the messages in a Monday letter to the Columbia community. She said the "unacceptable and deeply upsetting" exchange highlighted the lack of concern regarding negative experiences voiced by Jewish community members.

Columbia University Deans Face Permanent Removal Over Antisemitic Texts

Columbia University Deans Face Permanent Removal Over Antisemitic Texts

"While this disturbing incident has presented us challenges as a community, Columbia's leadership team recognizes this as an important moment to implement changes that will build a stronger institution as a result. I know that you all share this commitment," he wrote.

Dean Josef Sorett, one of the staff members involved in the incident, apologized in his own letter on Monday."I am deeply sorry that this happened in a community that I lead and that I was part of any of the exchanges, and I pledge to spearhead the change we need to ensure this never happens again."

Columbia University Deans Face Permanent Removal Over Antisemitic Texts

Columbia University Deans Face Permanent Removal Over Antisemitic Texts

The New York Post reported that Susan Chang-Kim, Matthew Patashnick and Cristen Kromm are the three administrators who have been removed. They have been on leave for the past month.

The incident comes three weeks after a Columbia University task force on campus antisemitism reported a string of disturbing incidents at the Ivy League university, exposing what it characterized as the "harassment of Jewish students" and antisemitic remarks made by professors.

Columbia University Deans Face Permanent Removal Over Antisemitic Texts

Columbia University Deans Face Permanent Removal Over Antisemitic Texts

One professor reportedly told his class to avoid the mainstream media because "it is owned by Jews."Task force members who spoke with Israeli publication Haaretz described a pattern of anti-Jewish bias at the Manhattan university, which has been plagued by anti-Israel protests since the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre.

Jewish and Israeli students regularly felt "targeted and ostracized" on campus and were often singled out in the classroom, task force members told the paper.The report also found that professors repeatedly encouraged students to take part in the anti-Israel protests or the Gaza Solidarity Encampment. Some even offered extra credit or conducted classes at the protest site.

Columbia University did not immediately return Fox News Digital's request for comment.Fox News' Yael Halon contributed to this report.

In addition to the text messages, the task force also found that there was a "climate of intimidation" on campus that made it difficult for Jewish students to speak out against antisemitism. The task force recommended a number of steps that the university could take to address the problem, including increasing the number of Jewish faculty and staff, creating a new center for Jewish studies, and providing more support for Jewish students.

The university has said that it will implement the task force's recommendations. However, it remains to be seen whether these measures will be enough to address the deep-seated antisemitism that appears to exist at Columbia University.