Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Following antisemitic agitations and the occupation of a campus building, Columbia University is exploring ways to strengthen its public safety department, potentially by adding peace officers with arrest powers.

Columbia University, facing criticism for its handling of antisemitic incidents on campus, is reportedly considering expanding its public safety capabilities, potentially by adding peace officers with the authority to make arrests.

The move comes after weeks of antisemitic demonstrations and the occupation of Hamilton Hall by anti-Israel agitators, prompting calls for a more robust security presence.

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

According to the Wall Street Journal, the university is examining various ways to supplement its public safety capabilities. This could include strengthening the department's skills and training in de-escalation techniques, expanding its ability to manage various incidents, and reducing its reliance on the New York Police Department (NYPD).

University President Minouche Shafik has stated that the university takes its responsibility for the safety and well-being of the community seriously. The school has been using the summer to assess the past academic year and plan for the upcoming one.

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Through internal consultations and learning from other higher education institutions, the university is preparing for various scenarios, with a focus on maintaining academic and research operations.

The expansion of public safety capabilities is being considered because Columbia does not have its own police force like many peer institutions. The university seeks to strengthen its public safety department while taking into account its unique circumstances.

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

The decision to expand security measures has been met with mixed reactions. Some students and faculty members support the move, arguing that it will improve campus safety and deter disruptions.

However, other faculty members have opposed stricter rules governing campus protests. They argue that security guards should not be allowed to physically engage with students.

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Mayor Eric Adams has criticized the academic environment that fostered the recent antisemitic behavior. He has supported the university's efforts to address the issue.

The university has also removed three senior staff members accused of sharing antisemitic text messages. The antisemitic incidents have led some billionaire donors to question their financial support for the school.

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Supporters of Students for Justice in Palestine, one of the groups organizing the national anti-Israel demonstrations, maintain that they are carrying out peaceful protests. However, multiple Columbia students claiming to be authorized to speak on behalf of the group declined to discuss their activities with Fox News Digital.

As the fall semester approaches, Columbia University is working to improve its security measures while balancing the need for campus safety with academic freedom and student rights.

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers

Columbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace OfficersColumbia University Eyes Expanding Security Measures, Including Peace Officers