Communists March in Philadelphia, Calling for "Class War

Hundreds of communists marched through the streets of Philadelphia on Sunday, July 28, chanting for a "class war" and to "fight the rich and feed the poor!" The march was organized by the Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA), which identifies itself as a "party of class fighters committed to the complete overthrow of capitalism."

Videos that emerged on social media showed hundreds of demonstrators marching with communist flags on the streets of Philadelphia, chanting for a "class war" and to "fight the rich and feed the poor!"

The scenes were captured as the Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA) held its founding congress in the Pennsylvania city over the weekend.

Communists March in Philadelphia, Calling for

Communists March in Philadelphia, Calling for "Class War

Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, posted an "!" in response to one of the clips shared on Twitter. In it, marchers can be seen carrying red flags with hammers and sickles on them.

On its website, the RCA identifies itself as a "party of class fighters committed to the complete overthrow of capitalism."

Communists March in Philadelphia, Calling for

Communists March in Philadelphia, Calling for "Class War

"We fight for a world of material superabundance and reject the artificial scarcity of a system based on the pursuit of profits," the group continues. "We fight to build a revolutionary leadership worthy of the name and to establish a workers' government that can mobilize the working class to tackle the capitalist roots of war, inequality, oppression, and climate catastrophe."

The Philadelphia Police Department told Fox News Digital that around 300 people participated in the event and permits for it were secured beforehand.

Communists March in Philadelphia, Calling for

Communists March in Philadelphia, Calling for "Class War

"As part of the struggle for the American Socialist Revolution, we fight for concrete improvements in workers' lives and offer a vision for how society could be reorganized once the working class wins political and economic power," the group also says.

A Philadelphia Police Department spokesperson told Fox News Digital that about 300 people participated in the march and there were "no significant issues, no citations, no arrests."

The RCA's march in Philadelphia is the latest in a series of communist demonstrations that have taken place in the United States in recent years. In 2017, hundreds of communists marched in Washington, D.C., to protest the inauguration of President Donald Trump. And in 2018, communists marched in New York City to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.

The RCA's march in Philadelphia is a reminder that communism remains a force in American politics, even if it is not as prominent as it once was. The group's call for a "class war" is likely to be met with resistance from the vast majority of Americans, who believe in the principles of democracy and capitalism.

However, the RCA's march is also a sign of the growing discontent with the current economic and political system. The group's message is likely to resonate with some Americans who are frustrated with the rising cost of living, the lack of good-paying jobs, and the growing concentration of wealth in the hands of a few.

It remains to be seen whether the RCA will be able to gain significant support in the United States. However, the group's march in Philadelphia is a reminder that communism remains a force to be reckoned with in American politics.