Concern Over Biden's Mental Decline Prompts Elite Democrats' "Conspiracy of Silence

A New York magazine feature alleges a conspiracy among elite Democrats to conceal President Biden's cognitive decline, citing concerns about his age and ability to serve a second term.

President Biden's Fourth of July celebration at the White House South Lawn was marked by his proclamation that he is "not going anywhere." However, a bombshell New York magazine article has cast a shadow over this declaration by alleging a widespread "conspiracy of silence" among elite Democrats to protect the president's mental decline.

Olivia Nuzzi's feature, titled "The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden," claims that elite supporters of the president have been aware of his cognitive issues for some time, even before last week's disastrous debate brought them under intense scrutiny. These concerns center around Biden's age and his ability to handle the demands of the presidency for another four years.

Concern Over Biden's Mental Decline Prompts Elite Democrats'

Concern Over Biden's Mental Decline Prompts Elite Democrats' "Conspiracy of Silence

Nuzzi reports that she has heard similar stories from "Democratic officials, activists, and donors" who have expressed worries about Biden's memory and cognitive abilities. After encounters with the president, these individuals have come to the same conclusion: Can he truly lead the nation for another four years? Some even question whether he will make it to Election Day.

"They did not wish to come forward with their stories. They did not want to blow a whistle," Nuzzi writes. "Their worries were more immediate. When they discussed what they knew, what they had seen, what they had heard, they literally whispered. They were scared and horrified."

Concern Over Biden's Mental Decline Prompts Elite Democrats'

Concern Over Biden's Mental Decline Prompts Elite Democrats' "Conspiracy of Silence

Nuzzi claims that these concerned Democrats have felt compelled to discuss their concerns but have been reluctant to do so publicly. "They needed to know that they were not alone and not crazy," she writes. "The president was fine. The election would be fine. They would be fine. To admit otherwise would mean jeopardizing the future of the country and, well, nobody wanted to be responsible personally or socially for that."

Nuzzi's article further details instances where Biden's behavior has raised concerns among those who have interacted with him. Longtime friends of the family have reportedly been shocked to discover that the president does not remember their names. At a White House event last year, a guest was left disturbed after realizing that Biden would not be able to attend the reception due to his apparent inability to make it through the event.

Concern Over Biden's Mental Decline Prompts Elite Democrats'

Concern Over Biden's Mental Decline Prompts Elite Democrats' "Conspiracy of Silence

In addition to his memory lapses, Nuzzi alleges that Biden has become "increasingly hard to get ahold of, even as it related to official government business." She claims that the president is shielded by a group of trusted advisers, including First Lady Jill Biden.

Nuzzi's article draws parallels between the concerns expressed by elite Democrats and the conspiracy theories promoted by supporters of former President Donald Trump. She argues that both groups have come to believe that there is a hidden group of powerful individuals controlling Biden.

Concern Over Biden's Mental Decline Prompts Elite Democrats'

Concern Over Biden's Mental Decline Prompts Elite Democrats' "Conspiracy of Silence

"Nothing else made sense. They were in full agreement," Nuzzi writes. "What I saw for myself confirmed something was amiss." She notes that while on the campaign trail with Biden in 2020, she witnessed instances of him staring off, avoiding eye contact, tripping over words, and being quickly escorted out of venues.

Nuzzi also describes Biden's recent appearance at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, where she observed an unnatural appearance and demeanor in the president. She suggests that Biden's eyes appeared dilated, his skin pulled tightly, and his movement stiff.

"It was a bad night.’ That’s the spin from the White House and its allies about Thursday’s debate," Nuzzi writes. "But when I watched the president amble stiffly across the stage, my first thought was: He doesn’t look so bad." Nuzzi explains that her prior knowledge and observations had led her to anticipate a more severe display of cognitive decline. However, she questions whether Biden's true condition is being concealed by his inner circle.

Nuzzi's article has sparked significant discussion and controversy, raising questions about the extent of Biden's cognitive challenges and the potential consequences for his presidency.