Conservatism Quashed: Colleges Abandon Truth in Favor of Ideological Conformity

A former California professor's $2.4 million settlement reveals the erosion of free speech on campus, where academia's obsession with diversity, equity, and inclusion stifles open debate and intellectual exploration.

In the hallowed halls of academia, where the pursuit of knowledge and critical inquiry once reigned supreme, a chilling transformation has taken hold. Conservative voices are being silenced, and free speech has become an endangered species. The case of Matthew Garrett, a former professor at Bakersfield College in California, is a stark example of this disturbing trend.

Garrett's ordeal began when he questioned whether grant money was being improperly used to fund social justice initiatives on campus. His concerns were met with retaliation, as administrators launched a campaign of intimidation and false accusations against him. Garrett and other faculty members who dared to challenge the prevailing orthodoxy were targeted with baseless allegations and threatened with termination.

Conservatism Quashed: Colleges Abandon Truth in Favor of Ideological Conformity

Conservatism Quashed: Colleges Abandon Truth in Favor of Ideological Conformity

In 2021, Garrett filed a federal lawsuit against the Kern Community College District (KCCD), alleging retaliation and a violation of his First Amendment rights. The district Board of Trustees responded by firing him in 2023, citing alleged incidents of "immoral and unprofessional conduct." However, Garrett vehemently denied these accusations and fought back in court.

In a landmark legal battle, Garrett presented compelling evidence before an administrative law judge, exposing the district's blatant retaliation. The pressure mounted on KCCD, facing an imminent ruling in Garrett's favor and the prospect of paying millions of dollars in damages. With no viable option, the district was forced to settle.

Conservatism Quashed: Colleges Abandon Truth in Favor of Ideological Conformity

Conservatism Quashed: Colleges Abandon Truth in Favor of Ideological Conformity

Under the settlement agreement, KCCD agreed to pay Garrett $2.4 million, covering damages, legal fees, and lost wages. The settlement also required the district to withdraw its false accusations and remove any negative documentation from Garrett's record.

While the settlement serves as a victory for Garrett, it is a sobering indictment of the state of free speech on college campuses. The pursuit of ideological conformity has superseded the fundamental principles of academic inquiry. Administrators and faculty alike are increasingly wary of expressing views that deviate from the prevailing orthodoxy, fearing retribution and ostracization.

Conservatism Quashed: Colleges Abandon Truth in Favor of Ideological Conformity

Conservatism Quashed: Colleges Abandon Truth in Favor of Ideological Conformity

Conservative voices, which offer valuable perspectives in shaping a balanced and well-informed society, are being suppressed. The absence of diverse viewpoints stifles intellectual growth, homogenizes thought, and undermines the very foundation of a true university.

Garrett's experience is not an isolated incident. Across the country, conservative students and faculty are facing similar challenges. They are being shut down, belittled, and threatened for daring to question liberal orthodoxy. This suppression of conservative thought is a dangerous threat to the future of higher education and the free exchange of ideas that is essential for a vibrant and just society.

The erosion of free speech on college campuses is a matter of grave concern. It undermines the very purpose of education and deprives students of the opportunity to engage with a wide range of perspectives. The pursuit of truth and intellectual growth cannot be sacrificed at the altar of ideological conformity.