Conservative Group Launches $18 Million Effort to Expose VP Harris' Record on Parental Rights

The American Principles Project, a conservative think tank, has launched an eight-figure campaign to highlight Vice President Kamala Harris' record on parental rights and transgender issues, claiming that she is an "extremist" on these issues. The group's president, Terry Schilling, has stated that their goal is to ensure that every persuadable voter knows how radical and crazy Kamala Harris is.

The American Principles Project (APP), a conservative think tank, has launched an eight-figure campaign to highlight Vice President Kamala Harris' record on parental rights and transgender issues. The group's president, Terry Schilling, told Fox News Digital that Harris is an "extremist" on these issues and that their campaign aims to expose her record.

Conservative Group Launches $18 Million Effort to Expose VP Harris' Record on Parental Rights

Conservative Group Launches $18 Million Effort to Expose VP Harris' Record on Parental Rights

"We're going to make sure that voters all across the country know just how extreme Kamala Harris is when it comes to protecting our kids, when it comes to protecting normalcy and decency, and when also comes to protecting parental rights," Schilling said.

The APP's campaign will focus on several issues, including Harris' support of the Equality Act, which would put gender identity into Civil Rights law, and the Biden administration's support of biological males in girls' sports. Schilling also highlighted Harris' actions as California AG, such as overseeing the first taxpayer-funded gender transition for an inmate.

Conservative Group Launches $18 Million Effort to Expose VP Harris' Record on Parental Rights

Conservative Group Launches $18 Million Effort to Expose VP Harris' Record on Parental Rights

"She gave an inmate, who was convicted of murder, taxpayer-funded gender transition and put him on parole in order for him to transition his gender. It's absolutely crazy," Schilling said.

According to Schilling, the Biden administration's unwillingness to cover these issues makes APP's work even more important. "Our job is to make sure that every voter in the country knows that Kamala Harris will take away your rights as a parent to protect your children from all these nefarious influences in our culture," he said.

Conservative Group Launches $18 Million Effort to Expose VP Harris' Record on Parental Rights

Conservative Group Launches $18 Million Effort to Expose VP Harris' Record on Parental Rights

Schilling was inspired by how focused former President Trump is on the issues that APP plans to highlight. "President Trump's all in on protecting the American family," Schilling said. "The issue of protecting our kids and protecting parental rights is something that he's been passionate about and has led on from the very beginning, and so it's a no-brainer for us to get behind him and support him with such a campaign and such a large campaign as what we're doing right now."

Fox News Digital reached out to the Harris campaign for comment but did not receive a response.

Conservative Group Launches $18 Million Effort to Expose VP Harris' Record on Parental Rights

Conservative Group Launches $18 Million Effort to Expose VP Harris' Record on Parental Rights