Coordinated Rebellion Erupts in Democratic Party to Force Biden's Ouster

A concerted effort is underway within the Democratic Party to oust President Biden, with a group of "very-connected Democrats" plotting to withdraw him from the presidential race.

In a stunning turn of events, a coordinated rebellion has erupted within the Democratic Party, threatening to jeopardize President Biden's November candidacy. A report by Axios reveals that a network of high-profile Democrats, including veterans of the Obama and Clinton administrations, are working tirelessly to pressure Biden to step aside in favor of a younger alternative.

This loose anti-Biden network, which has been growing rapidly, is circulating polls claiming that the party's chances of victory would improve significantly with a new ticket. Some donors are even contemplating a hefty financial commitment to any non-Biden presidential candidacy.

Coordinated Rebellion Erupts in Democratic Party to Force Biden's Ouster

Coordinated Rebellion Erupts in Democratic Party to Force Biden's Ouster

The catalyst for this internal revolt is Biden's perceived weakness as a candidate, particularly in the wake of his recent debate debacle. Despite facing intense pressure from high-profile Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and liberal pundits to drop out, Biden has so far resisted. However, the Axios report suggests that the anti-Biden forces are gaining momentum.

Prominent Silicon Valley Trump supporter David Sacks has accused Democratic elites of staging a "coup" against Biden, dismissing the Axios report as a reflection of the party's internal division. Citing a 538 poll that still favors Biden in the election, Sacks argues that the effort to oust him is unwarranted.

Coordinated Rebellion Erupts in Democratic Party to Force Biden's Ouster

Coordinated Rebellion Erupts in Democratic Party to Force Biden's Ouster

The anti-Biden network is said to be lobbying former presidents, commissioning polls, and engaging in public attacks on Biden. Their ultimate goal is to convince him to withdraw as soon as possible.

This rebellion has the potential to significantly impact the upcoming presidential election. Should Biden be forced out of the race, the Democrats would face a scramble to find a replacement candidate in a short period of time.

Coordinated Rebellion Erupts in Democratic Party to Force Biden's Ouster

Coordinated Rebellion Erupts in Democratic Party to Force Biden's Ouster

The plot against Biden is just the latest in a series of challenges the president has faced in recent months. His approval ratings have plummeted, and he has faced criticism for his handling of the economy, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the war in Ukraine.

Whether Biden will succumb to the pressure and withdraw remains to be seen. However, the coordinated rebellion within the Democratic Party is a clear indication that his position is anything but secure.