Costello: Cohen's Testimony Against Trump a Fabrication

Former legal adviser Robert Costello dismisses Michael Cohen's accusations in the New York v. Trump trial as lies, claiming he lacks credible evidence to support his claims.

Costello: Cohen's Testimony Against Trump a Fabrication

Robert Costello, a former legal adviser to Michael Cohen, has vehemently denounced Cohen's testimony in the New York v. Trump trial, labeling it "a lie." Costello, who was Cohen's legal representative during the initial phase of the federal investigation, has been released from his attorney-client confidentiality agreement and is now free to discuss the case.

Costello argues that the prosecution lacks substantial evidence to bolster their case against former President Donald Trump. He maintains that Cohen's allegations have no merit and that he lacks credibility. Costello believes that the trial should have been dismissed from the outset, as it was baseless and lacked sufficient grounds.

Costello: Cohen's Testimony Against Trump a Fabrication

Costello also disputed speculation that Trump's defense team might call him as a witness to expose Cohen's credibility issues. While acknowledging that he has information that could harm Cohen's credibility, Costello insists that the decision to call him as a witness is ultimately up to the defense team.

In an interview on "The Brian Kilmeade Show," Costello asserted, "There's nothing that I know about this case that could give the prosecution more life. This case is dead. It was dead on arrival. It never should have been brought." He expressed confidence that Trump's defense team will make the right decision regarding his potential testimony.

Costello: Cohen's Testimony Against Trump a Fabrication

Costello further divulged that he met with Cohen in April 2018, during which Cohen confessed to being suicidal due to mounting legal troubles. Costello recounted that he repeatedly urged Cohen to cooperate and provide any truthful information he had on Trump, but Cohen adamantly denied having any incriminating evidence.

Costello also addressed the Stormy Daniels non-disclosure agreement (NDA), stating that Cohen had specifically mentioned that it was his own idea to handle it. According to Costello, Cohen explained that he had been contacted by Daniels' lawyer, who threatened to allege an affair between Daniels and Trump. Costello stated that Cohen had expressed disbelief in the allegation but was concerned about its potential impact on Melania Trump.

Costello: Cohen's Testimony Against Trump a Fabrication

Costello's revelations have cast doubt on Cohen's credibility and the validity of his accusations against Trump. His testimony could potentially bolster the defense's case by undermining Cohen's claims and exposing his motivations.

The New York v. Trump trial continues to unfold, with the outcome uncertain. However, Costello's insights into Cohen's character and the lack of credible evidence against Trump could have significant implications for the proceedings.