Craig Morgan: 'Military Service is More Natural' Than Country Music Stardom

Despite his success in the country music world, Craig Morgan says that serving in the military feels more natural to him.

Craig Morgan: 'Military Service is More Natural' Than Country Music Stardom

Craig Morgan, the renowned country music star, has revealed that serving in the military holds a more profound resonance for him than his celebrated music career.

Morgan, who enlisted in the United States Army in 1989, served nearly a decade of active duty in the 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions before joining the Army Reserve. Even after leaving the armed forces, he continued to serve in the reserves for another seven and a half years.

Craig Morgan: 'Military Service is More Natural' Than Country Music Stardom

Despite his successful music career, Morgan believes that his military service is more inherently aligned with his values and purpose. "That for me is more natural than the country music singer thing," Morgan told Fox News Digital. "People often ask me how I transitioned from being in the United States Army for so long to the music industry, and I tell them I've been working on it. I'm still working on it."

Morgan's military service has not only shaped his personal identity but also informs his artistic expression. "So, going back and doing those types of things was very natural for me," he added. "It's in my DNA. It's a part of who I am — wanting to help other people."

Craig Morgan: 'Military Service is More Natural' Than Country Music Stardom

In July 2023, Morgan re-enlisted in the Army Reserve at the age of 59. He described the experience as "very emotional," reflecting on the profound impact his military service has had on his life and his family.

"I spent 17 and a half years in my early life in the Army," Morgan said. "It is a big part of who I am, what my family is about, what we represent. The love that we have for our country. The passion we have for the freedoms that we celebrate in this nation."

Craig Morgan: 'Military Service is More Natural' Than Country Music Stardom

During his time in the Army and Army Reserve, Morgan served as a staff sergeant and fire support specialist, earning airborne, air assault, and rappel master certifications. He has also been recognized for his meritorious service, receiving the Army's Outstanding Civilian Service Medal and the USO Merit Award.

Upon his return to the reserves, Morgan was initially ranked as a staff sergeant before being promoted to warrant officer in February of this year.

Craig Morgan: 'Military Service is More Natural' Than Country Music Stardom

Morgan recognizes the distinction between Memorial Day and Veterans Day, emphasizing the importance of commemorating those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. "I think it's important that we understand the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day and other holidays that we celebrate our American life," he said. "Memorial Day is the day that we memorialize. And we remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice."

"I'm a veteran," he continued. "You don't need to thank me on Memorial Day. Thank the folks that we lost in Panama and lost in Desert Storm and Desert Shield in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Craig Morgan: 'Military Service is More Natural' Than Country Music Stardom

Morgan believes that staying true to one's core values and appreciating the freedoms that Americans enjoy are essential aspects of life. "I don't know how people exist without values," he said. "I mean, I do, I see it on TV. I see things that people are doing that just make me shake my head in a lack of understanding how they can't appreciate how fortunate we are."

Morgan recently released an updated paperback edition of his memoir, "God, Family, Country." The book offers a candid glimpse into his life journey, including his childhood, military service, music career, and the tragic loss of his son, Jerry.

Craig Morgan: 'Military Service is More Natural' Than Country Music Stardom

"The idea for me was to sum all of these things together, to show people that you can overcome adversities in your life, regardless of where it may be in your life," Morgan said. "And for me to ensure that people know that through faith and family and love, you can overcome a lot of adversity, and you can aspire to do things that you might not even think you're supposed to do."

Morgan is currently on his global Redneck Yacht Club Tour and continues to promote the new edition of "God, Family, Country." "I didn't realize this when they did the paperback, they changed the cover," he said while laughing. "It's my first book, so I didn't really know. But, I mean, honestly, this version is like — it's my life story. It's not something that I ever thought I would do."

Craig Morgan: 'Military Service is More Natural' Than Country Music Stardom

Morgan's humility and unwavering dedication to serving his country and his community serve as an inspiration to many. Through his military service, his music, and his unwavering commitment to helping others, he exemplifies the true meaning of patriotism, selflessness, and resilience.

Craig Morgan: 'Military Service is More Natural' Than Country Music Stardom