Crisis at the Border: Migrant Crime Surges in NYC as Progressives Fuel Chaos

Retired NYPD Lt. Joe Cardinale issues a stark warning about the rise in migrant crime as the border crisis continues to spiral out of control. New York City has become a hotbed for violence and lawlessness, with incidents like a recent stabbing spree leaving multiple victims and a police officer injured.

Retired NYPD Lt. Joe Cardinale has issued a sobering warning about the surge in migrant crime in New York City, blaming progressive policies for fueling the chaos. He points to the recent stabbing spree in Sydney, Australia, as a grim reminder of the consequences of unchecked migration.

In the Sydney incident, four people were injured, including a police officer, in a violent stabbing rampage. Authorities believe the attacker was a migrant who had illegally entered the country. This incident is just one in a string of migrant-related crimes that have plagued NYC in recent months.

Crisis at the Border: Migrant Crime Surges in NYC as Progressives Fuel Chaos

Crisis at the Border: Migrant Crime Surges in NYC as Progressives Fuel Chaos

The city has become a magnet for migrants, thanks to its liberal sanctuary policies. These policies have made NYC a safe haven for those who have entered the country illegally, creating an environment where criminals thrive.

The NYPD has reported a sharp increase in migrant-related crime since the start of the year. The number of arrests for robbery, assault, and other violent crimes has skyrocketed, putting a strain on police resources and endangering the safety of New Yorkers.

Crisis at the Border: Migrant Crime Surges in NYC as Progressives Fuel Chaos

Crisis at the Border: Migrant Crime Surges in NYC as Progressives Fuel Chaos

Lt. Cardinale blames progressive politicians for the surge in crime, accusing them of prioritizing political correctness over public safety. He says that these politicians have created a welcoming environment for criminals, making NYC a haven for illicit activity.

The NYPD's data supports Lt. Cardinale's claims. A recent report found that a disproportionate number of migrant suspects are being arrested for violent crimes. The report also revealed that many of these migrants have criminal records in their home countries.

Crisis at the Border: Migrant Crime Surges in NYC as Progressives Fuel Chaos

Crisis at the Border: Migrant Crime Surges in NYC as Progressives Fuel Chaos

The city's sanctuary policies have made it difficult for the NYPD to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. This has prevented police from deporting criminals who should not be in the country and has emboldened illegal immigrants to commit crimes with impunity.

Lt. Cardinale argues that the sanctuary policies need to be repealed and that the city must take a tougher stance on illegal immigration. He says that the safety of New Yorkers depends on it.

The surge in migrant crime is not limited to NYC. Cities across the country are facing similar challenges as the border crisis continues to spiral out of control. Progressive policies have created a climate of lawlessness that is endangering the safety of our communities. It's time for a change.