Cruz Accuses Opponent of Ties to Anti-Israel Movement

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) alleges his Senate challenger, Colin Allred (D-Texas), has received campaign funds from donors linked to anti-Israel demonstrations at universities across the country.

Cruz Accuses Opponent of Ties to Anti-Israel Movement

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has launched a fierce attack on his Democratic opponent, Colin Allred, accusing him of financial ties to powerful families that support an escalating anti-Israel movement. Cruz claims these donors have been actively funding and fueling antisemitic protests on college campuses.

Between April 18 and May 3, law enforcement arrested or detained over 2,200 individuals during demonstrations on 49 campuses nationwide. Cruz maintains that these protests are backed by Joe Biden and major Democratic donors, including the Soros, Rockefeller, Pritzker, and Gates families.

Cruz Accuses Opponent of Ties to Anti-Israel Movement

Cruz specifically named George Soros, the Rockefeller brothers, Bill and Melinda Gates, and the Pritzkers as individuals whose organizations have supported anti-Israel groups. He claims that Allred has received approximately $80,000 from these donors.

The Texas senator emphasized that Allred has a choice to make: disavow the anti-Israel protests and return the alleged donations or continue to accept funding from individuals who support such demonstrations.

Cruz Accuses Opponent of Ties to Anti-Israel Movement

Open Society, founded by George Soros and chaired by his son Alexander, released a statement denying control over the smaller groups it funds. However, several organizations supported by the Soros family, such as Jewish Voice for Peace, have actively participated in anti-Israel rallies.

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has also provided grants to Jewish Voice for Peace and other anti-Zionist organizations. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated funds to Tides, an entity that supports groups involved in the university demonstrations.

Cruz Accuses Opponent of Ties to Anti-Israel Movement

The Tides Foundation and Tides Center, affiliates of Tides, have been recipients of Gates Foundation grants. Both organizations focus on philanthropic work and supporting social change leaders, including those from marginalized communities. However, the Gates Foundation denies direct or indirect funding of the campus demonstrations.

Allred's campaign, the Pritzkers' Libra Foundation, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund declined to comment on the allegations.

Cruz Accuses Opponent of Ties to Anti-Israel Movement

Cruz's accusations have intensified the already contentious Senate race in Texas. He has repeatedly attacked the Democratic Party for its alleged embrace of anti-Israel sentiment, while Allred has rejected Cruz's claims and pledged his support for the Jewish community.

As the November election approaches, the funding controversy is expected to further shape the debate and influence voters' decisions.