Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Konstantinos Letymbiotis, the official government spokesperson for Cyprus, discusses Turkey's threat to invade Israel over the Gaza Strip and the danger of Ankara's regional ambitions.

Konstantinos Letymbiotis, the official government spokesperson for Cyprus, has condemned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's recent threat to invade Israel, warning that it should not be taken lightly and highlights Ankara's continued regional ambitions.

"Any threat being made publicly has to be taken very, very seriously here and we think that the international community cannot ignore or disregard the threats," Letymbiotis told Fox News Digital.

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Letymbiotis highlighted Turkey's ongoing illegal occupation of 37% of Cyprus for the past 50 years, emphasizing that the country has experienced the consequences of an illegal invasion firsthand.

"We know exactly the consequences of an illegal invasion, and we take every threat very seriously," he said.

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Erdoğan's comments, made at the end of July, suggested that Turkey might invade Israel similar to its actions in Karabakh and Libya. The remarks drew a sharp rebuke from Israel, with Foreign Minister Israel Katz comparing Erdoğan to former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

Letymbiotis argued that part of the issue is the lack of "frozen conflicts" in the world today, leading to increasingly intense fighting, particularly in their region.

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

He pointed to Turkey's ongoing "Turkification" of parts of Cyprus as evidence of its desire for influence and control rather than altruistic motives.

"It is in the context of Turkish revisionism, expansionism in the neo-Ottoman approach," Letymbiotis said. "This is not the first time we have seen this kind of approach from Turkey."

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Letymbiotis also highlighted the timing of Erdoğan's comments, coming at a time when the Cypriot government is making efforts to resume negotiations.

Cyprus has in turn reached out to other nations, such as Armenia, which have recently felt the weight of Turkey's regional ambitions.

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Cyprus has also played a key role in the U.S. plan to deploy humanitarian aid to Gaza, establishing a sea route that would start at Cyprus and deliver aid to ports on the Gaza Strip.

Letymbiotis expressed hope that this cooperation will continue to improve Cyprus's standing and global perception, leading to further advances.

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

However, he lamented that Turkey remains a problem due to its membership in NATO, where it can use its veto power to troubling effect.

The Turkish embassy did not respond to several Fox News Digital inquiries about the Cyprus spokesman's comments by the time of publication.

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Cyprus Official Warns of Turkey's Regional Ambitions, Threatens Invasion of Israel

Letymbiotis's comments underscore the growing concerns over Turkey's regional ambitions, which have been on display in recent years through its involvement in conflicts in Syria, Libya, and Armenia.