Dad Brain vs. Internet Brain: The Battle for Sanity

In the face of rampant nonsense, "dad brain" emerges as a force against the misguided "internet brain" that plagues college campuses.

Dad Brain vs. Internet Brain: The Battle for Sanity

In the wake of canceled graduation ceremonies at Columbia University due to anti-Israel protests, a profound clash between two opposing forces has come to light: "dad brain" versus "internet brain."

Dad brain, embodying the voice of reason and practicality, stands in stark contrast to internet brain, which is susceptible to the pitfalls of online misinformation and outrage culture.

Dad Brain vs. Internet Brain: The Battle for Sanity

Internet brain thrives in the realm of abstract issues, magnifying problems far beyond their relevance to personal responsibilities. It incites students to abandon their studies in favor of campus protests and demands passing grades as compensation for their own destructive actions.

However, when the indulgence of internet brain reaches its limits, the patience of dad brain prevails. Like a stern father, it declares that the time for nonsense is over and that consequences must be faced.

Dad Brain vs. Internet Brain: The Battle for Sanity

While internet brain fixates on distant conflicts such as the Israel-Palestine dispute, dad brain recognizes the importance of immediate obligations, such as paying bills, maintaining the home, and attending to the needs of loved ones.

Internet brain fosters a culture of comparison and envy, breeding mental anguish. In contrast, dad brain emphasizes gratitude and contentment, guiding individuals towards a focus on the blessings within their reach.

Dad Brain vs. Internet Brain: The Battle for Sanity

As the chaos of campus protests escalates, college officials and law enforcement have stepped into the role of dad brain. They have enforced order, cleared out encampments, and prevented violence, demonstrating the patience and discipline that internet brain lacks.

Even in the realm of entertainment, the winds of change are blowing. SNL, known for its timely commentary, has acknowledged the absurdity of student protests, aligning with the sentiments of dad brain.

As the pendulum swings towards sanity, dad brain emerges as a beacon of hope, guiding the misguided youth back to a path of responsibility and practicality. It reminds them to finish their peas, save for a car, and navigate the complexities of life with grounded wisdom.

Ultimately, dad brain is not a mere enforcer of discipline but a guardian of well-being. It seeks to protect the young from the pitfalls of internet brain and ensure that they do not become a burden to themselves and society.

In the battle between dad brain and internet brain, the choice is clear: it is between chaos and order, delusion and reality, and the preservation of sanity in a world that is increasingly losing its grip.