De Niro's Desperate Plea: Playing Politics in Trump's Criminal Trial

Actor Robert De Niro staged a political rally outside Trump's criminal trial, echoing Biden's support for a Trump conviction and aiming to sway jurors.

De Niro's Desperate Plea: Playing Politics in Trump's Criminal Trial

As the Donald Trump defense team presented their closing arguments in Manhattan, the Biden administration orchestrated a spectacle by sending actor Robert De Niro to hold a street press conference outside the courthouse. De Niro, known for his recent political activism, transformed himself into a street performer, spewing chaotic and fear-mongering rhetoric.

De Niro's unhinged performance, absent a coherent message, raised eyebrows. However, it became apparent that his rant was not intended for the general public or the swing voter demographic but rather the 12 jurors deliberating Trump's fate just yards away.

De Niro's Desperate Plea: Playing Politics in Trump's Criminal Trial

Subtly embedded in his wild proclamations was a plea: "Convict Trump. Save New York." De Niro played on the jurors' Manhattanite sensibilities, invoking their sense of local pride and exaggerating Trump's impact on their city.

De Niro's invocation of 9/11 and his false claim that violent crime peaked under Trump were blatant attempts to exploit New Yorkers' anxieties and manipulate their judgment.

De Niro's Desperate Plea: Playing Politics in Trump's Criminal Trial

The fact that Team Biden deployed De Niro at this crucial juncture speaks volumes about their desperation. Biden's approval ratings are plummeting, and they see a Trump conviction as a way to rehabilitate his image. If Trump is convicted, every mention of his name in the media will be preceded by the term "convicted felon."

But the broader implication of De Niro's stunt is even more disturbing. It sends a message to the rest of the country: Don't come to New York. If you hold different political views, don't visit, don't invest, and don't run for office. This hostility and intolerance are driving people away from New York State, which has led to its decline in population.

De Niro's Desperate Plea: Playing Politics in Trump's Criminal Trial

While the national takeaway might be a sense of amusement or dismay, the real target of De Niro's performance was the 12 jurors. His impassioned plea, "Donald Trump doesn't belong in my city," was a thinly veiled attempt to influence their verdict.

The presence of De Niro outside the courthouse is a reminder of the politicization of the Trump trial. It underscores the Biden administration's willingness to use underhanded tactics to achieve their political goals, even at the expense of justice.

De Niro's Desperate Plea: Playing Politics in Trump's Criminal Trial

In conclusion, Robert De Niro's chaotic performance outside Trump's trial was not merely a spectacle but a desperate attempt to sway jurors and silence dissenting voices. It is a reflection of the Biden administration's political agenda and their disdain for those who hold different views.