Debunking the Shameful Attacks on Tim Walz's Military Service

Former Marine and current Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has faced unjust criticisms from Republican JD Vance regarding his military record. These attacks are not only false but also disrespectful to veterans and undermine the honor of military service.

As a former military officer who has served alongside soldiers of various ranks and branches, I am deeply disturbed by the attacks on Minnesota Governor Tim Walz's military record. These attacks, particularly from JD Vance, a fellow brother-in-arms, are not only false but also sickening.

JD Vance served honorably as an enlisted Marine, deploying but not seeing combat. He left the service after his four-year commitment. Governor Walz, on the other hand, joined the Army Guard at the age of 17 and served for 24 years, ultimately achieving the highest enlisted rank of Command Sergeant Major. He then went on to represent veterans and military families in Congress, advocating for expanded GI Bill benefits and increased military funding.

Debunking the Shameful Attacks on Tim Walz's Military Service

Debunking the Shameful Attacks on Tim Walz's Military Service

The attacks on Walz's service have been both unfounded and disgusting. The claim that he quickly exited the military to avoid deployment is simply untrue. Walz had filed his retirement paperwork prior to his unit receiving deployment orders. He served for four years after 9/11 and two years after the start of the Iraq War.

The allegation that Walz never achieved the rank of Command Sergeant Major is equally false. He held that rank and was only reduced after retiring because he had not yet completed his professional military education and had not held the rank for the required number of years. This is a common occurrence in the military and does not imply any wrongdoing.

Debunking the Shameful Attacks on Tim Walz's Military Service

Debunking the Shameful Attacks on Tim Walz's Military Service

These attacks are not only an affront to Walz but to all who have served in the military. They perpetuate the harmful narrative that only those who have seen combat are true heroes. This is a dangerous and unfair standard that ignores the vital contributions made by all members of the armed forces, regardless of their specific roles.

It is particularly hypocritical for Donald Trump, who actively avoided military service by claiming dubious medical exemptions, to criticize the service record of others. Trump's policies as president have also been harmful to veterans, including proposed cuts to VA programs.

Debunking the Shameful Attacks on Tim Walz's Military Service

Debunking the Shameful Attacks on Tim Walz's Military Service

The attacks on Walz are a deterrent to any military member considering a career in public service. They create a false impression that one's military record can be twisted and distorted to undermine their honor. This is a threat to our democracy as it discourages qualified veterans from seeking elected office.

We must push back against these attacks with everything we have. Military service is honorable, regardless of one's party affiliation. Tim Walz has decades of service to this nation, and his record should be celebrated, not questioned.