Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider opens up about the financial struggles he faced after the band's breakup, revealing that he was forced to ride a bicycle to a desk job and declaring bankruptcy twice.

Dee Snider, the iconic rock star of the 1980s, has always been known for his bold stage presence and defiant lyrics. However, in the early 1990s, after the breakup of his band Twisted Sister, Snider faced a series of personal and financial challenges that pushed him to the brink.

In a candid interview with Fox News Digital, Snider recalled the difficult period in his life where he lost everything. "Double bankruptcy, my career collapsed," he said. "I was riding a bicycle to a desk job, answering phones. I was married, had three kids. You know, things just went incredibly south."

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

Snider's financial struggles were a result of years of gradually losing money. By 1995, he had become "flat broke" and was unable to provide for his family. He and his wife, Suzette, couldn't even afford to buy their children candy at a convenience store.

The ego that had driven Snider to rock stardom prevented him from accepting the warning signs, he admitted. "If I had regrouped and downscaled... But no, I just kept spending; I’m a rock star baby! Everything is going to be fine!"

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

Adding to his financial woes, Snider's heavy metal music had fallen out of vogue in the grunge-dominated 1990s. He tried to sell his music catalog, but no one was interested.

Desperate for a breakthrough, Snider recalled a Christmas song he had written years earlier for his wife. He pitched it to Celine Dion, who recorded it for her 1998 holiday album. The song, "The Magic of Christmas Day (God Bless Us Everyone)," became a massive hit, and Snider owned the publishing rights to it.

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

The success of the song turned Snider's fortunes around. He was able to pay off his debts and rebuild his financial security.

Throughout his struggles, Snider said, he was able to rely on the support of his wife. "She's been by my side forever," he said. "So I always had someone standing with me and saying, ‘We got this,’ which is great."

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

The defiant attitude that Snider had developed as a kid and honed as a rock star also helped him through this tough period. "I'm singing my song to myself," he revealed. "We're not gonna take it. I'm going to get out of this. I'm going to get out of this and keep moving forward… And eventually, you know, the radio, voice-over acting, reality TV, movies, I do all those things."

Today, Snider looks back on his struggles with a sense of gratitude. "Don't worry about Dee, he's kicking a--," he said.

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

He has learned the importance of financial responsibility and the value of having a strong support system. He also believes that his experiences can inspire others who are facing challenges in their own lives.

"People need to hear those stories and know they're not alone," Snider said.

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back

Dee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and BackDee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and BackDee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and BackDee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and BackDee Snider's Journey from Rock Star to Bankruptcy and Back