Defense's 'Inculpatory' Questionnaires Slammed by Idaho Judge in Bryan Kohberger Case

An Idaho judge has condemned the defense team in the Bryan Kohberger murder case for distributing questionnaires that could be 'inculpatory' to Latah County residents.

In a strongly worded ruling, Idaho Judge John Judge has slammed the defense team in the Bryan Kohberger murder case for distributing questionnaires to potential jurors that could be 'inculpatory' to Latah County residents. The questionnaires, which asked about the community's opinions on the case, have been deemed inappropriate by Judge Judge, who has called for sanctions against the defense.

Kohberger, a former criminology Ph.D. student, is accused of stabbing four University of Idaho coeds to death in their home in November 2022. The case has gripped the nation, with intense media coverage and a high level of public interest.

Defense's 'Inculpatory' Questionnaires Slammed by Idaho Judge in Bryan Kohberger Case

Defense's 'Inculpatory' Questionnaires Slammed by Idaho Judge in Bryan Kohberger Case

The defense team's questionnaires sought to gauge the potential jurors' opinions on the case, including their beliefs about Kohberger's guilt and the possibility of a fair trial in Latah County. However, Judge Judge has ruled that the questionnaires could be harmful to the case and could influence the potential jury pool.

In his ruling, Judge Judge stated that the questionnaires "could be seen as an attempt to intimidate or coerce potential jurors into supporting the defense's position." He also expressed concern that the questionnaires could "create an atmosphere of fear or intimidation" in the community.

Defense's 'Inculpatory' Questionnaires Slammed by Idaho Judge in Bryan Kohberger Case

Defense's 'Inculpatory' Questionnaires Slammed by Idaho Judge in Bryan Kohberger Case

The defense team has defended the questionnaires, arguing that they are necessary to ensure a fair trial for Kohberger. They have also stated that they did not intend to intimidate or coerce potential jurors.

However, Judge Judge has rejected the defense's arguments, stating that the questionnaires go beyond the scope of what is necessary for a fair trial. He has also ordered the defense team to stop distributing the questionnaires and has warned of sanctions if they fail to comply.

Defense's 'Inculpatory' Questionnaires Slammed by Idaho Judge in Bryan Kohberger Case

Defense's 'Inculpatory' Questionnaires Slammed by Idaho Judge in Bryan Kohberger Case

The ruling is a significant setback for the defense team, which has been seeking to have the trial moved from Latah County. The defense has argued that the high level of publicity and media coverage has made it impossible to find an impartial jury in Latah County.

However, Judge Judge has denied the defense's motion to change venue, stating that he believes a fair trial can be held in Latah County. The trial is scheduled to begin next year and could take up to 15 weeks.

Defense's 'Inculpatory' Questionnaires Slammed by Idaho Judge in Bryan Kohberger Case

Defense's 'Inculpatory' Questionnaires Slammed by Idaho Judge in Bryan Kohberger Case

If convicted, Kohberger could face the death penalty. The case is expected to be closely watched by the national media and the public, as it is one of the most high-profile murder cases in recent memory.

Defense's 'Inculpatory' Questionnaires Slammed by Idaho Judge in Bryan Kohberger Case