Democratic Governors Huddle Amid Debate Fallout, Concerns Over Biden's Fitness

Democratic governors held a conference call to discuss President Biden's shaky performance in the first presidential debate, raising questions about his fitness for office.

President Biden is facing intense scrutiny after his lackluster performance in the first presidential debate against former President Donald Trump. The encounter sparked widespread panic within the Democratic Party and prompted calls from political pundits, editorial writers, and some party politicians and donors for Biden to step aside as the party's 2024 standard-bearer.

In the wake of these concerns, Democratic governors from across the nation convened on a conference call on Monday to discuss the latest developments and strategize their response. The meeting, which is likely to be virtual, is scheduled for Wednesday.

Democratic Governors Huddle Amid Debate Fallout, Concerns Over Biden's Fitness

Democratic Governors Huddle Amid Debate Fallout, Concerns Over Biden's Fitness

The call was organized by Democratic Governors Association (DGA) Chair Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota. Multiple sources familiar with the call described it as a forum where the governors expressed their concerns about Biden's performance and discussed how to address the situation. However, they stressed that there was no serious talk of urging the president to step aside.

Sources also confirmed that the Biden campaign was aware of the call ahead of time. A national Democratic official, who requested anonymity to speak more freely, stated, "Democratic governors are some of the President and Vice President’s most proactive and vocal supporters because they’ve seen how the Biden-Harris Administration’s accomplishments are directly benefiting their residents."

Democratic Governors Huddle Amid Debate Fallout, Concerns Over Biden's Fitness

Democratic Governors Huddle Amid Debate Fallout, Concerns Over Biden's Fitness

Despite the concerns raised by some, several governors have remained steadfast in their support for Biden. California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a top Biden campaign surrogate, told reporters after the debate that he "will never turn [his] back on President Biden." Newsom expressed confidence in Biden's fitness for office, saying, "I have no trepidation."

However, Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas became the first Democrat House or Senate member or governor to publicly call for Biden to step aside as the party's standard-bearer. Doggett cited Biden's age and health as major concerns.

Democratic Governors Huddle Amid Debate Fallout, Concerns Over Biden's Fitness

Democratic Governors Huddle Amid Debate Fallout, Concerns Over Biden's Fitness

The Biden campaign has yet to comment on the governors' meeting or Doggett's call for Biden to withdraw. However, the president's team has downplayed concerns about his fitness for office, emphasizing his experience and commitment to the job.

The debate fallout has also reignited speculation about potential replacements for Biden on the 2024 ticket. Several governors, including Newsom and New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, have been mentioned as possible contenders.

Democratic Governors Huddle Amid Debate Fallout, Concerns Over Biden's Fitness

Democratic Governors Huddle Amid Debate Fallout, Concerns Over Biden's Fitness

However, these governors have largely remained noncommittal about their own ambitions, emphasizing their support for Biden.

As the campaign trail shifts into high gear, Biden and his team face the daunting task of addressing the concerns raised by his debate performance and reassuring voters about his fitness for office. The meeting with Democratic governors will be a critical opportunity for the president to mend fences and secure their support.