Democratic Strategists Fear Defeat to Trump in 2024, as Biden's Polling Numbers Plummet

A new report reveals the growing anxiety among Democratic strategists as former President Trump gains ground in key swing states, leading to concerns about a potential defeat in the 2024 presidential election.

Democratic Strategists Fear Defeat to Trump in 2024, as Biden's Polling Numbers Plummet

Democratic strategists are grappling with a growing sense of unease as former President Donald Trump emerges as a formidable challenger in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. A recent report by Politico unveils the behind-the-scenes discussions among party operatives, revealing deep concerns about the viability of President Joe Biden's reelection bid.

Anonymous sources within the Democratic Party expressed their trepidation, fearing a disastrous outcome if Trump prevails. One strategist stated, "This isn't, 'Oh my God, Mitt Romney might become president.' It's 'Oh my God, the democracy might end.'"

Democratic Strategists Fear Defeat to Trump in 2024, as Biden's Polling Numbers Plummet

The party's anxiety stems from Biden's persistently low approval ratings and the alarming lead Trump has established in crucial swing states. A recent poll by Bloomberg News and Morning Consult shows Trump leading Biden in seven key battlegrounds: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Biden's poor performance has sent shivers down the spines of his supporters, who fear that a loss to Trump could have dire consequences for the nation. A Biden adviser disclosed that donors are increasingly expressing alarm about the president's campaign strategy, citing glaring weaknesses that make it difficult to justify continued financial backing.

Democratic Strategists Fear Defeat to Trump in 2024, as Biden's Polling Numbers Plummet

Political strategist James Carville has been vocal in his criticism of the party's messaging and approach, calling for a fundamental reassessment of their tactics. Pete Giangreco, another Democratic strategist, identified the core obstacle facing Biden: framing the election as a referendum on the relative merits of Biden's presidency versus Trump's previous term. "If the frame of this race is, 'What was better, the 3.5 years under Biden or four years under Trump,' we lose that every day of the week and twice on Sunday," Giangreco lamented.

Even in traditionally Democratic strongholds like New York City, Trump's aggressive campaigning has raised eyebrows. Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine expressed concern about the growing positive sentiment towards Trump among people of color. "New York Democrats need to wake up," Levine urged.

Former Obama advisor David Axelrod had previously warned Biden against stubbornly defending the economy, suggesting that it could lead to his downfall. Paul Begala also voiced concerns about the potential impact of third-party candidates, such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Cornel West, who could further complicate Biden's path to victory.

The Biden campaign has declined to comment on these fears, while the Trump campaign has remained unresponsive to requests for comment. The upcoming election remains uncertain, with many factors yet to be determined. However, the apprehension within the Democratic Party is palpable, highlighting the significant challenges facing President Biden as he seeks to retain the presidency.