Democrats' Attempts to Stop Trump Fail Miserably

Despite efforts to intimidate supporters, scare away independents, and remove him from the ballot, former President Trump remains popular and continues to rally his base.

Democrats' Attempts to Stop Trump Fail Miserably

Fox News host Laura Ingraham highlighted how Democrats' continuous attacks against former President Trump have only served to increase his popularity.

Ingraham pointed out that Democrats' use of the January 6th Capitol riot to try and intimidate Trump supporters and scare away independents backfired. Trump left office on January 20th, and the vast majority of Americans did not believe that an insurrection without weapons had occurred.

Democrats' Attempts to Stop Trump Fail Miserably

Democrats' second impeachment trial against Trump also failed to make any significant impact on his popularity. According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, fewer than 1 in 5 Americans said they watched multiple hours of the testimony, and most – 55% – have seen just clips or no excerpts at all.

Efforts to remove Trump from the ballot were also unsuccessful. The Supreme Court overturned a lower court ruling that would have removed him from the ballot, and Trump's popularity only grew in the wake of the decision.

Democrats' barrage of indictments and civil suits against Trump have also failed to make a dent in his support. Trump is facing multiple legal challenges in Georgia, D.C., and New York, but these cases have only served to galvanize his base and reinforce their belief that he is being unfairly targeted.

Ingraham criticized Democrats for wasting tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on legal cases against Trump that have ultimately failed to achieve their desired outcome.

She concluded by saying that Democrats' attempts to stop Trump have only made him more popular and that he remains a force to be reckoned with in American politics.