Democrats' Disdain for Black Americans: Playing Us for Fools with False Promises and Abuse

Pastor Corey Brooks accuses the Democratic Party of exploiting Black Americans for political gain while offering little real support. He cites California's failed bill to grant $150,000 home loans to illegal immigrants as proof of this abuse.

In an eye-opening column, Pastor Corey Brooks exposes the Democratic Party's cynical manipulation of Black Americans, leveraging their support through fearmongering about racism while neglecting their actual needs.

Brooks points to a recently vetoed California bill (AB 1840) that would have provided $150,000 home loans to illegal immigrants. He contrasts this with the lack of affordable housing for his own low-income staffers, who diligently contribute to society but have yet to achieve homeownership. Illinois, despite not having a similar bill, has allocated substantial funds to newly arrived migrants.

Democrats' Disdain for Black Americans: Playing Us for Fools with False Promises and Abuse

Democrats' Disdain for Black Americans: Playing Us for Fools with False Promises and Abuse

"What kind of message are we sending to all of those who pursue their version of the American Dream by saving part of their paycheck for a home purchase?" Brooks questions.

While Democrats have exploited Black fear of racism to secure their votes, Brooks contends that true white supremacy is not America's problem. Instead, he condemns politicians for pitting Black Americans against migrants, creating a divisive game of divide and conquer.

Brooks cites former Mayor Lori Lightfoot's declaration of Chicago as a sanctuary city for migrants, not for violence-stricken Black neighborhoods. He also criticizes the California reparations scam, which promised substantial payments that later turned out to be empty promises.

"They're abusing a group of people who have been abused so long that they don't even know they're being abused anymore," Brooks states.

As an example of the systemic neglect, Brooks points to an elementary school near his church where only 4% of students are proficient in math and 6% in reading. Despite this glaring problem, politicians and teachers' unions continue to prioritize promoting white supremacy as the solution.

Brooks condemns the label of "race traitor" used by Democrats against Black Americans who vote for alternative policies. He emphasizes the need for Black Americans to awaken and prioritize their own survival and well-being.

"It's about exercising our rights as Americans that our people fought so hard for — they'd be ashamed of us now," Brooks declares. "It's about being Americans and it is about respecting ourselves, our children."

Brooks concludes by urging Black Americans to move beyond the Democratic Party's manipulative tactics and demand accountability for the abysmal state of their communities. He calls for true leadership and a commitment to real solutions that will uplift Black Americans and empower them as agents of change.