Democrats Eye 25th Amendment to Remove Biden from Office

Amidst calls from Democrats and liberal media, a New Yorker article suggests invoking the 25th Amendment to force President Biden out of office due to concerns about his age-related impairments.

The New Yorker magazine has ignited a firestorm of debate within the Democratic Party by suggesting that the 25th Amendment be invoked to remove President Biden from office. This drastic move, proposed by contributor Jeannie Suk Gersen, comes amid growing concerns about Biden's mental acuity and fitness for the presidency following his recent debate performance.

Gersen argues that the Amendment, designed to address the potential incapacitation of the president, should be used to compel Biden to step down, even against his will. This would ensure an orderly transition of power to Vice President Kamala Harris, providing stability during an already tumultuous political landscape.

Democrats Eye 25th Amendment to Remove Biden from Office

Democrats Eye 25th Amendment to Remove Biden from Office

The article points out the widespread anxieties surrounding Biden's age and cognitive abilities, concerns that have been persistently dismissed by his allies. However, Gersen believes that these fears were validated during last week's debate, where Biden's prolonged exposure on television revealed the extent of his limitations.

Gersen emphasizes that it is the responsibility of Democratic leaders to take these concerns seriously and assess whether Biden is still capable of governing. Their denial, she argues, is a disservice to the nation and a dereliction of their constitutional duty.

Democrats Eye 25th Amendment to Remove Biden from Office

Democrats Eye 25th Amendment to Remove Biden from Office

She proposes invoking the 25th Amendment as the superior option to allowing Biden to make the decision to step down himself. This would guarantee his departure from office, fill the vacancy with Harris, and empower her to appoint her own vice president.

The article further highlights the benefits of avoiding a chaotic nomination process, which could consume the party and harm their chances in the upcoming midterm elections. By invoking the Amendment, Democrats can ensure a smooth transition and focus their campaign on a refreshed version of the Biden-Harris Administration, led by Harris.

Democrats Eye 25th Amendment to Remove Biden from Office

Democrats Eye 25th Amendment to Remove Biden from Office

Gersen concludes with a plea to those protecting Biden's pride and legacy. She reminds them that the presidency is not a personal matter and that Biden's well-being and the integrity of the nation must take precedence. The 25th Amendment, she argues, would allow Biden to leave office with dignity while preserving his legacy.

The White House has declined to comment on the matter, referring inquiries to the Biden campaign, which had not responded as of publication. The proposal has sparked a heated debate within the Democratic Party, with some members expressing support for the idea while others denounce it as an extreme and unnecessary measure.