Democrats' "Fear Mongering" Strategy Threatens Democracy, Says North Dakota Governor

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum accuses Democrats of using "dramatic warnings" to stoke fears about a second Trump presidency, highlighting their stockpile of abortion pills and plans to thwart deportation as threats to democracy.

In the wake of an election, the losing side typically accepted the results and supported the new president during the "honeymoon" period. However, this tradition has faded, replaced by a contentious "divorce" where the opposition immediately plots to oppose every policy of the victor.

This trend is exemplified by Democrats' claims that Donald Trump poses a "threat to democracy" if he wins in November, coupled with their plans to oppose his every policy, including mass deportations. Democrats appear to believe they have a perpetual right to govern, even if the majority votes otherwise.


Democrats' "Fear Mongering" Strategy Threatens Democracy, Says North Dakota Governor

A New York Times article reveals Democrats' strategy, which includes lawsuits to prevent deportations and Democrat governors stockpiling abortion pills. This behavior suggests that Democrats define democracy as only being valid if Biden wins, while a Trump victory would undermine it.

This arrogance of the left implies a divine right to rule indefinitely, regardless of election outcomes. While Trump supporters displayed similar attitudes during the January 6 Capitol attack, they are not actively plotting to thwart a potential Biden re-election.


Democrats' "Fear Mongering" Strategy Threatens Democracy, Says North Dakota Governor

Democrats' premature efforts to undermine a potential Trump victory not only constitute a threat to democracy but also embolden adversaries by undermining the legitimacy of elections.

Stephen Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesman, aptly denounced these actions as a pre-emptive attempt to prevent the implementation of a legitimate agenda. He emphasized that elections cannot be legitimate only if the desired side wins.


Democrats' "Fear Mongering" Strategy Threatens Democracy, Says North Dakota Governor

Cheung's perspective carries weight for both pro- and anti-Trump individuals. Elections must be recognized as legitimate regardless of the outcome, as the alternative is division and perpetual conflict.

In the past, losing parties would analyze their shortcomings and prepare for future elections. This approach has been abandoned in favor of constant warfare, which is detrimental to the country and undermines its unity.

Democrats' fear-mongering tactics and plans to thwart potential Trump policies demonstrate a subversion of democratic principles and a willingness to prioritize partisan interests over the nation's well-being. This behavior poses a significant threat to the stability and integrity of American democracy.