Democrats in Disarray: New York Times Writers Urge Biden to Exit 2024 Race

President Biden's lackluster debate performance has sparked widespread panic among Democrats, with several New York Times writers openly calling for him to drop out of the 2024 race.

Amidst growing concerns over President Joe Biden's cognitive decline and dwindling public support, prominent New York Times writers have joined the chorus of voices urging him to step down from the 2024 presidential race. The wake-up call follows Biden's widely criticized performance in the CNN Presidential Debate, which exposed his vulnerability and raised serious questions about his fitness for office.

Liberal Times columnist Thomas Friedman, in a piece titled "President Biden: Teach Them How to Say Goodbye," argues that Biden's withdrawal would deprive former President Donald Trump of his most potent weapon: the portrayal of Democrats as weak and ineffective. By stepping aside, Biden would demonstrate the stark contrast between responsible leadership and the narcissistic tendencies of his predecessor.

Democrats in Disarray: New York Times Writers Urge Biden to Exit 2024 Race

Democrats in Disarray: New York Times Writers Urge Biden to Exit 2024 Race

Friedman's colleague, Michelle Goldberg, echoes these sentiments in her article "Biden Is Too Old," questioning whether he possesses the physical and cognitive stamina required for another grueling presidential campaign. Goldberg urges the Democratic Party to consider alternative candidates who can energize the base and restore confidence in the party's ability to govern.

Pamela Paul, another Times columnist, appeals to Biden's moral compass, stating that continuing his race would be a disservice to the nation he has sworn to serve. She writes, "Biden's withdrawal would not be a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to his courage and selflessness."

Democrats in Disarray: New York Times Writers Urge Biden to Exit 2024 Race

Democrats in Disarray: New York Times Writers Urge Biden to Exit 2024 Race

Guest essayist Kevin Boyle draws parallels between Biden's situation and that of President Lyndon B. Johnson during the Vietnam War. Like Johnson, Biden faces an "existential threat to the nation," namely the possibility of Trump's return to power. Boyle argues that, by stepping down, Biden could safeguard the country's future and cement his legacy as a statesman who placed the nation's interests above his own.

The New York Times editorial board, one of the most influential voices in American journalism, has also weighed in, calling for Biden to drop out of the race. The board contends that continuing his bid would be a "reckless gamble" that could jeopardize the party's chances of defeating Trump.

Democrats in Disarray: New York Times Writers Urge Biden to Exit 2024 Race

Democrats in Disarray: New York Times Writers Urge Biden to Exit 2024 Race

The growing chorus of voices calling for Biden's withdrawal reflects the deep concern within the Democratic Party about the consequences of nominating a candidate who appears frail and out of step with the demands of the presidency. With Trump looming large, Democrats believe that their only hope of victory lies in choosing a candidate who can inspire confidence, unite the party, and effectively counter the former president's baseless attacks.

Democrats in Disarray: New York Times Writers Urge Biden to Exit 2024 Race