Democrats in Panic Mode After Biden's Dismal Debate Performance

President Biden's weak debate showing has sparked fears among Democrats and liberal media figures, leading to talk of replacing him as the party's nominee in the 2024 presidential election.

President Biden's performance in Thursday night's debate against former President Trump has sent shockwaves through the Democratic Party, with many expressing deep concern over his "weak" showing and discussing his possible replacement.

Shortly after the debate concluded, a firestorm erupted with talk of Democrats considering dropping Biden as their presidential nominee. A well-connected Democratic source told Fox News that "everyone is freaking out" and that Biden "needs to go." However, the source also noted that it would be difficult to replace Biden unless he agrees.

Democrats in Panic Mode After Biden's Dismal Debate Performance

Democrats in Panic Mode After Biden's Dismal Debate Performance

Former Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Democrat, said during an appearance on MSNBC that Biden "failed" to show Americans he was "up to the job at his age." She added, "My heart is breaking after Biden's performance. There were a lot of people who watched and felt terrible for him."

CNN's chief national correspondent, John King, reported that there is a "deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party" following Biden's performance. King said the conversations involve party strategists, elected officials, and fundraisers, who are questioning whether Biden can effectively lead the party to victory in 2024.

Democrats in Panic Mode After Biden's Dismal Debate Performance

Democrats in Panic Mode After Biden's Dismal Debate Performance

MSNBC host Joy Reid said she received numerous texts from Democrats expressing concern about Biden's performance. She described her contacts as "Obama-world people" who were "very concerned about President Biden seeming extremely feeble, seeming extremely weak."

NBC's chief political analyst, Chuck Todd, also reported widespread panic among Democratic leaders. "Not like, 'Oh this is recoverable,' it's more of a ... 'He's gotta step aside' – there's a lot of that chatter," Todd said.

Democrats in Panic Mode After Biden's Dismal Debate Performance

Democrats in Panic Mode After Biden's Dismal Debate Performance

Despite the reports of replacement chatter, California Gov. Gavin Newsom insisted that Biden is the party's nominee. "I'm looking forward to voting for him in November," Newsom said. "He's going to be our nominee."

The talk of replacing Biden highlights the growing concern within the Democratic Party over his age and mental fitness. Some Democrats believe that Biden is not up to the rigors of the presidency and that his weak debate performance has further damaged his standing.

Democrats in Panic Mode After Biden's Dismal Debate Performance

Democrats in Panic Mode After Biden's Dismal Debate Performance

It remains to be seen whether the Democratic Party will make a move to replace Biden. However, the recent debate has clearly shaken the party's confidence in his ability to lead them to victory in 2024.

Democrats in Panic Mode After Biden's Dismal Debate Performance