Democrats' Latest Kavanaugh Report: A 'Lawfare' Continuation

A former top Senate Judiciary counsel dismisses a new report by Democrats on Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation, accusing them of perpetuating a "lawfare" campaign against the conservative justice.

A comprehensive report led by Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, a member of the Judiciary Committee, has sparked controversy over the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation into allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The report claims that the Trump White House obstructed the probe, preventing the FBI from fully investigating the claims.

However, Mike Davis, the former chief counsel for nominations to former Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), strongly refutes these allegations. Davis asserts that the FBI followed standard procedures and that the report's findings are baseless.

Democrats' Latest Kavanaugh Report: A 'Lawfare' Continuation

Democrats' Latest Kavanaugh Report: A 'Lawfare' Continuation

"We followed the normal procedures for a Supreme Court nominee to do his background investigation," Davis stated. "And the Senate does its own investigation."

Davis emphasizes that the Judiciary Committee had access to all the tips and allegations against Kavanaugh and could have pursued further investigations independently. He also notes that the FBI's confidential investigation failed to corroborate any of the allegations, including those made by Christine Blasey Ford.

Democrats' Latest Kavanaugh Report: A 'Lawfare' Continuation

Democrats' Latest Kavanaugh Report: A 'Lawfare' Continuation

Critics have accused Democrats of engaging in a "lawfare" campaign against conservative justices on the Supreme Court. They claim that the various investigations and calls for recusals are attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the Court and advance a partisan agenda.

Davis echoes these sentiments, dismissing the report as a "pathetic attempt" by Whitehouse to intimidate the Supreme Court justices ahead of crucial election cases. He suggests that the report's timing, just weeks before the midterm elections, raises questions about its validity and motivation.

Democrats' Latest Kavanaugh Report: A 'Lawfare' Continuation

Democrats' Latest Kavanaugh Report: A 'Lawfare' Continuation

The FBI has declined to comment on the report but has provided a statement outlining its established procedure for nominee screenings. The FBI emphasizes that it follows the scope of the investigation requested by the Office of White House Counsel and does not have the authority to expand the inquiry beyond those parameters.

Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Whitehouse, Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), and the Supreme Court have not yet provided comments on the report.

Democrats' Latest Kavanaugh Report: A 'Lawfare' Continuation

Democrats' Latest Kavanaugh Report: A 'Lawfare' Continuation

The allegations against Kavanaugh have been the subject of intense scrutiny and debate. Some, including President Donald Trump at the time, have accused Democrats of fabricating the claims for political gain. Others have expressed concerns that the FBI investigation was incomplete and that the allegations should be further investigated.

The latest report has reignited the controversy surrounding Kavanaugh's confirmation and the role of the FBI in investigating allegations against judicial nominees.