Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

Tom Moulton, an independent voter from New Hampshire, expresses his disenchantment with the Democratic Party, citing its detachment from American values and lack of resonance with his core beliefs.

Independent voters in New Hampshire, a key swing state, are expressing growing disillusionment with the Democratic Party, according to recent statements made by Tom Moulton, a Granite State independent voter and business owner. Moulton, who appeared on "Fox & Friends First" Monday, criticized Democrats for their departure from the American experience, their irrelevance to his core values, and their failure to address pressing issues such as immigration, inflation, and debt.

Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

"I grew up in the ‘60s and ’70s, and the [Democratic] Party has completely changed," Moulton stated. "I feel they have no relevance on what the American experience is."

Moulton's remarks align with the broader trend of declining Democratic support among independents. A recent Gallup poll revealed that 51% of American voters identify as independents, and they are increasingly seen as the swing voters who can decide close elections.

Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

Tiani Coleman, President of New Hampshire Independent Voters, echoed Moulton's concerns, expressing frustration with the two-party system and the lack of viable candidates who can bridge the partisan divide.

"Independent voters are feeling discouraged with the choices that the two parties offer," Coleman said. "We are looking for a candidate who is not part of the party machine, who is going to be able to work across the aisle and work with both parties and independent voters included in the process."

Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

The Democrats' struggles in New Hampshire are particularly noteworthy given the state's history of supporting Democratic candidates. However, the emergence of Republican efforts to flip the state red has prompted concerns among Democrats.

Republicans are eyeing New Hampshire as a potential pickup in the 2024 election, hoping that the state's independent voters could help former President Trump regain the White House. Trump's poor debate performance last month has further fueled Republican hopes, as Democrats grapple with questions about Biden's candidacy.

Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

Prominent Democrats, such as California Governor Gavin Newsom and Vice President Kamala Harris, have been floated as potential replacements for Biden, but Moulton expressed skepticism about their ability to excite voters.

"I'm not excited by [Newsom or Harris] at all," he said. "I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to see what's going on in the country."

Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

Democrats' Loss of Relevance Alienates Independent Voters in New Hampshire

Moulton's remarks underscore the challenges facing Democrats in New Hampshire and the need for the party to address the concerns of independent voters. If the Democrats fail to resonate with this key demographic, the Granite State could potentially go red for the first time since 2000, with significant implications for the national election.