Democrats' Shift: From the Working Class to the Elite

In her new book, "Progressively Worse," author Joe Concha discusses the transformation of the Democratic Party from representing the working class to catering solely to elites. Former NBC host Katie Couric shares her concerns about the party's dwindling support among blue-collar voters, citing Clinton's "deplorables" comment as a turning point. Concha further criticizes the left-wing bias in mainstream media, while Couric urges Harris to connect with "regular Joes" to regain their trust.

The Democratic Party has undergone a profound metamorphosis over the years, evolving from a champion of the working class to an advocate for the elite, according to journalist Joe Concha in his recent book, "Progressively Worse."

Democrats' Shift: From the Working Class to the Elite

Democrats' Shift: From the Working Class to the Elite

This shift has become increasingly evident in recent elections, as Democrats have struggled to connect with blue-collar voters. Former NBC "Today" show host Katie Couric has voiced her concerns about this trend, stating that the party has "kind of lost the working class."

Couric attributes this decline in support to a perceived condescension towards the working class by liberal elites, who are often portrayed as out of touch with their struggles. This perception was exacerbated by Hillary Clinton's infamous "basket of deplorables" comment, which alienated many potential Democratic voters.

Democrats' Shift: From the Working Class to the Elite

Democrats' Shift: From the Working Class to the Elite

The Democratic Party's embrace of so-called "woke" politics has further alienated blue-collar voters, who may feel left out of the conversation or perceive it as divisive. This has created a vacuum that has been filled by Republican candidates who portray themselves as more in tune with their concerns.

Concha's analysis of the mainstream media further highlights the challenges facing the Democratic Party. He argues that the media has become increasingly biased towards the left, which can create a false impression of public opinion and alienate potential Democratic voters who do not subscribe to the dominant liberal narrative.

Democrats' Shift: From the Working Class to the Elite

Democrats' Shift: From the Working Class to the Elite

The consequences of this shift in the Democratic Party are significant. As the party loses touch with the working class, it risks becoming increasingly reliant on the votes of college-educated elites. This could lead to policies that are more focused on the interests of the wealthy and less responsive to the needs of the average American.

It is crucial for the Democratic Party to recognize and address this issue. Couric urges the party to form a "much stronger connection" with the working class, while Concha emphasizes the need for a more balanced media landscape. By embracing a message that resonates with all Americans, regardless of their socioeconomic status, the Democratic Party can regain its credibility and rebuild its support among blue-collar voters.

Democrats' Shift: From the Working Class to the Elite

Democrats' Shift: From the Working Class to the Elite