Democrats' Sinister Plot: Open Borders and Non-Citizen Voting to Cement One-Party Rule

Leading House Republicans are sounding the alarm over a radical push by Democrats to leverage open borders and illegal immigration to manipulate the electoral landscape and entrench their own political power.

Democrats' Sinister Plot: Open Borders and Non-Citizen Voting to Cement One-Party Rule

In a blatant attempt to undermine the integrity of American elections and reshape the nation's demographics, radical progressive Democrats are openly embracing a scheme to exploit the presence of tens of millions of illegal aliens in the United States. Their ultimate goal: to cement one-party rule by manipulating the voting population.

For years, Democrats have decried foreign interference in American elections, while simultaneously engineering a foreign influence scheme of their own. In May, House Democrats unanimously opposed a bill to exclude non-U.S. citizens from the Census numbers used to allocate congressional seats. In a Freudian slip that revealed their true intentions, President Joe Biden described the millions of illegal aliens he has allowed into the country as "voters."

Democrats' Sinister Plot: Open Borders and Non-Citizen Voting to Cement One-Party Rule

Despite the clear language of federal law and the Constitution, which reserve the right to vote in federal elections for U.S. citizens, Democrats have made it nearly impossible for states to verify citizenship status and remove non-citizens from their voter rolls. This has led to absurd situations, such as Arizona having a "federal only" ballot for individuals who cannot provide proof of citizenship.

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), a law that governs voter registration policy for federal elections, has been used by courts to strike down state election integrity laws requiring proof of citizenship. This has created loopholes that allow illegal aliens to register to vote at DMVs, welfare offices, and even by mail, with only a box-checking exercise as the only line of defense.

Democrats' Sinister Plot: Open Borders and Non-Citizen Voting to Cement One-Party Rule

In response to this threat, Republican Congressman Chip Roy has introduced the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would close these loopholes and require states to obtain documentary proof of citizenship before registering an individual to vote. It also directs states to remove non-citizens from their voter rolls and gives them access to databases to do so.

Democrats are predictably voicing opposition to the SAVE Act, claiming that it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections and that non-citizen voting is not an issue. However, they fail to acknowledge the inherent difficulty in verifying citizenship status and the fact that states have limited abilities to do so.

Democrats' Sinister Plot: Open Borders and Non-Citizen Voting to Cement One-Party Rule

Evidence suggests that non-citizens are already voting in leftist jurisdictions like Washington, D.C., which actively encourages non-citizens to participate in local elections. It is only a matter of time before these votes bleed into federal elections.

Democrats' opposition to the SAVE Act, refusal to exclude non-citizens from congressional apportionment, and complicity in Biden's mass release of illegal aliens are all part of a sinister plan to fundamentally remake America. Republicans must stand up and fight for election integrity, or the country will suffer the consequences of a manipulated democracy.