Democrats Uneasy as Concerns Over Biden's Cognitive Abilities Rise

Senior congressional correspondent Chad Pergram reports on mounting worries among Democrats about President Biden's performance following his criticized appearance at the CNN Presidential Debate.

Fox News senior congressional correspondent Chad Pergram reports on Democrats' growing concerns about President Biden in the wake of his highly criticized performance at the CNN Presidential Debate.

An Associated Press article published Wednesday sparked further scrutiny on Biden's age and cognitive abilities, quoting sources close to the president who described him as exhibiting both sharpness and confusion in private interactions. The article titled "Biden at 81: Often sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful" highlighted comments from approximately two dozen individuals within Biden's social circle who reported a stark contrast between his public and private demeanor.

Democrats Uneasy as Concerns Over Biden's Cognitive Abilities Rise

Democrats Uneasy as Concerns Over Biden's Cognitive Abilities Rise

"He is often sharp and focused. But he also has moments, particularly later in the evening, when his thoughts seem jumbled and he trails off mid-sentence or seems confused. Sometimes he doesn't grasp the finer points of policy details. He occasionally forgets people's names, stares blankly and moves slowly around the room," AP reported.

The article continued, "But sometimes, Biden speaks so softly that it is difficult to make out his words even with a microphone. He'll stop mid-sentence and trail off during speeches. At other times he runs the room, leading the audience, joking and shaking hands with thrilled supporters, in clear command of the moment. His gait is often stiff, but sometimes he jogs."

Democrats Uneasy as Concerns Over Biden's Cognitive Abilities Rise

Democrats Uneasy as Concerns Over Biden's Cognitive Abilities Rise

The AP article follows a period of intense speculation surrounding Biden's age and mental acuity, particularly after his first presidential debate against Donald Trump. Several media outlets have called for Biden to step down ahead of the election, citing concerns about his cognitive decline.

The White House has defended its handling of Biden's age, stating that it is a "complicated" issue. Some reporters have admitted recognizing age-related problems in the president but chose not to pursue them due to fears of contributing to a "right-wing talking point."

Democrats Uneasy as Concerns Over Biden's Cognitive Abilities Rise

Democrats Uneasy as Concerns Over Biden's Cognitive Abilities Rise

The AP headline, "Biden at 81: Often sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful," has drawn widespread mockery and comparisons to CNN's infamous "fiery but mostly peaceful protest" graphic during a 2020 Black Lives Matter protest in Wisconsin.

Critics have denounced the AP for its perceived attempt to downplay Biden's cognitive issues, while some have praised the article for its honesty and transparency. The debate over Biden's age and mental health is expected to continue in the lead-up to the election.

Democrats Uneasy as Concerns Over Biden's Cognitive Abilities Rise

Democrats Uneasy as Concerns Over Biden's Cognitive Abilities Rise

In response to the concerns, the Biden campaign has released a statement asserting that the president is "healthy, vigorous, and fit to serve." However, the debate over Biden's age and cognitive abilities remains a significant talking point among both Republicans and Democrats alike.