Democrats Upset at Media Coverage of Trump After Assassination Attempt, Analyst Says

CNN senior political analyst Mark Preston reveals that Democrats have expressed frustration over the media's coverage of former President Trump following his narrow escape from an assassination attempt.

CNN senior political analyst Mark Preston disclosed on Monday that Democrats are deeply concerned about the media's portrayal of former President Trump in the wake of the assassination attempt he survived at a campaign rally on Saturday. According to Preston, Democrats have reached out to him, emphasizing that this life-altering event should not affect how the media reports on the GOP candidate and the upcoming election.

"I know that Democrats are very upset and they've been sending me messages saying, 'Hey, don't act like Donald Trump has changed just because you know, somebody tried to kill him,'" Preston candidly stated. "They insist that he is still the same person and that his actions shouldn't be overlooked because of this event."

Democrats Upset at Media Coverage of Trump After Assassination Attempt, Analyst Says

Democrats Upset at Media Coverage of Trump After Assassination Attempt, Analyst Says

Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, was grazed by a bullet during a rally on Saturday, prompting U.S. Secret Service agents to rush him offstage. The incident sent shockwaves through the political landscape, raising questions about Trump's safety and the potential impact on his campaign.

Meanwhile, Trump's legal woes have taken a favorable turn, with a judge dismissing his classified documents case in Florida on Monday morning. The judge's decision cited the unconstitutionality of Special Counsel Jack Smith's appointment. Preston described the court ruling as a "huge win" for the former president, coming shortly after his near-death experience.

Democrats Upset at Media Coverage of Trump After Assassination Attempt, Analyst Says

Democrats Upset at Media Coverage of Trump After Assassination Attempt, Analyst Says

"It's as if Trump has this lucky rabbit foot in his pocket," Preston remarked. "He has been able to gain strength from this, even from the assassination attempt on Saturday."

Preston emphasized that the current political environment has dealt a significant blow to Democrats. "They're looking for Donald Trump to be taken out, whether through the judicial system or at the ballot box," he said. "They don't want to see him back in office."

Democrats Upset at Media Coverage of Trump After Assassination Attempt, Analyst Says

Democrats Upset at Media Coverage of Trump After Assassination Attempt, Analyst Says

Despite the setbacks, Preston acknowledged that Trump's recent victories have given him a political edge. "Regardless of which case it is, he's on a roll right now," Preston said.

Trump, who will deliver a speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Thursday, hinted at changes in his address in the wake of his assassination attempt. "It's going to be a whole different speech now," he told The Washington Examiner on Sunday. "It is a chance to bring the country together. I was given that chance."

The Trump campaign also indicated that he would emphasize unity in the face of tragedy, departing from his previous criticisms of President Biden.