Democrats Urge Biden to Confront Left-Wing Antisemitism in Major Speech

Democratic lawmakers have implored President Biden to forcefully condemn the left's role in the recent surge of antisemitism during a highly anticipated address on the issue.

Democrats Urge Biden to Confront Left-Wing Antisemitism in Major Speech

As President Biden gears up to address the alarming rise of antisemitism, he faces mounting pressure from within his own party to unequivocally rebuke the left's contributions to the problem. Democratic lawmakers, led by Representative Jake Auchincloss of Massachusetts, have urged Biden to leverage his speech as a platform to denounce the left's role in fomenting this hatred.

Auchincloss, speaking on CNN, emphasized the urgency of Biden's condemnation, stating, "He needs to remind Americans that Auschwitz is not long ago and not far away. That pluralism and tolerance are part of America's DNA and I hope in so doing that he explicitly refutes the left of his party for their role in fomenting this antisemitism."

Democrats Urge Biden to Confront Left-Wing Antisemitism in Major Speech

His pleas come amid a wave of campus protests targeting Israel, often escalating into antisemitic rhetoric and violence. Auchincloss believes that Biden's leadership is crucial in not only condemning such actions but also recognizing the left's complicity in perpetuating them.

The rising antisemitism has also been acknowledged by Representative Jared Moskowitz of Florida. He expressed concern that some Democrats have been reluctant to denounce antisemitism from within their ranks, suggesting a double standard in condemning the right for similar behavior.

Democrats Urge Biden to Confront Left-Wing Antisemitism in Major Speech

Auchincloss identified three key issues contributing to the antisemitism problem: double standards, insufficient distinction between criticism of Israel and criticism of Jews, and the need for explicit condemnation of Hamas's actions on October 7th.

He further pointed to the experience of Jewish and Israeli students on campuses, highlighting the suppression of their Zionist identities and the outright harassment of Israeli students. Auchincloss called on the Department of Education to investigate colleges and universities for failing to uphold their responsibilities under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on national origin.

Democrats Urge Biden to Confront Left-Wing Antisemitism in Major Speech

Echoing Biden's previous statements, Auchincloss stressed the distinction between peaceful protest and unacceptable violence and vandalism. He urged Biden to reiterate that such acts are not protected under the law and must be condemned.

As Biden prepares to deliver his speech, the pressure is mounting on him to take a strong stance against antisemitism and hold all parties accountable, including those within his own party. His words will be closely scrutinized as a test of his leadership and commitment to combating this growing menace.